Wanted: Offroad trailer or the parts to build one


Well-Known Member
I had an interesting idea. I haven't thought it through, so I'm sure there are all sorts of flaws with my idea, but I was thinking about adding a battery to the trailer. Then I could throw my fridge in it for the few times I want to take it. BUt then I realized I"d just be draining the battery the whole time. Now, here's the idea...

What if my trailer had an axle and third member in it. WHen the wheels turned, it'd turn the pinion flange. If I hooked that up to an alternator, I could charge the battery on the trailer. I'm not very smart with electrical stuff, so I'm guessing there needs to be some sort of voltage regulator to make sure it doesn't over-charge the battery, and mounting it could be tricky, but I wonder if it could work...
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Well-Known Member
now that I think about it more, it seems like it'd be a lot easier to just run a quick disconnect and use the 4runner's battery to run the fridge should I choose to use it. I still want to explore the idea of the alternator a bit more.


Active Member
Oops sorry haha I meant to say, I don't see any reason it WOULDNT work, if u got the belt and everything situated correctly, I just feel like it might be more of a pain then it's worth..


Well-Known Member
ah, that makes more sense. Yeah, it's a big project and I'm not in a position to tackle it right now, but I like the thought of it.

I found this thread that confirms that it would work.



I'd probably want to get a big pulley since alternators need high rpms to charge. I wonder how a 4.10 diff would spin compared to the crank of a 22re... I'd want it balanced too so there wouldn't be any vibration on it.

I suppose you could do the same thing with an air compressor as well...
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Well-Known Member
driveshaft alternator pics.





And in all my driveshaft alternator research I came across this pic, which is too cool not to share. It blows my simple mind to try to think of leaf springs this way. Frame-under axle... Would that mean it's still sprung under?



Sandy, Ut
A charge wire from the 4Runner would be exponentially less expensive and easier. Fridge eh? I thought you thought it wasn't for you? The winds if change :D


Well-Known Member
Eh, I've got it and it's just sitting on my garage not being used. It doesn't work well on the back of the runner. It takes up too much space. If I had a trailer, I'd have more space for it. Maybe then I would fall in love with it. For now, the space it takes up isn't worth the small benefits to me. I'll probably sell it before I get a trailer anyway, so the alternator thing is just a fun brainstorm. It'd be a case of doing it for the learning process more than an actual advantage.


Sandy, Ut
Totally get you, there not for everyones tastes. I was always torn on the fridge in the trailer concept, while it is the natural place to put it... I want the fridge on an overnighter sans trailer week long adventure with the old girl in tow. For me it is/was easier to put the fridge in the vehicle and the additional load in the trailer. An argument could easily be made either way.


But stuck more often.
Kurt's right. Way to much work. You would likely still need to run a hot wire to turn the alternator on. That same hot wire could be used to charge your battery, or simply just run the fridge and not use a battery. One less heavy thing to haul around.


Well-Known Member
Provo, Utah
I cant wait for you to get a trailer so I can follow it. I picked this up and am toying with the idea of building a trailer but with working 2 jobs from 9am-12am I really have NO time to do something with it. If it may be something you want and want to trade for it let me know. It is a fiberglass tub.

***I also have a solar panel that could be used for the trickle charging ;)


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Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
Charge it through your light connector. Use the hot lead that normally powers your trailer brakes to keep it charged. Most trailers with electric brakes have small batteries in them anyway. I do t know any specifics on amperage draws etc but it could work possibly


Well-Known Member
I cant wait for you to get a trailer so I can follow it. I picked this up and am toying with the idea of building a trailer but with working 2 jobs from 9am-12am I really have NO time to do something with it. If it may be something you want and want to trade for it let me know. It is a fiberglass tub.

Cool, thanks! That might work. What's this tub from? Is it a sami tub? Any idea on the dimensions of it? I wonder how i'd cap off the front. If it were steel i would be all over it. It still may work out nicely for what I need.


Well-Known Member
Provo, Utah
I wish it was a Sami tub. It's jeep. Once home tonight I could go back and try to measure it. Capping off shouldn't be too bad, maybe some thin plywood and fiberglass. My thought was to buy a small $130 harbor freight trailer, swap axles for a Sami axle so I can keep the lug pattern, and swap in Sami rear springs.