Hollywood actress coming to town to support Tim DeChristopher, eh?


Salt Lake
Yes. Someone is. Glad the right precedent was set. Could have opened an ugly can of worms had it gone the other way. Sentencing will be interesting.


Formerly Beardy McGee
In a strange twist of events I ran into an old friend form HS who has been planning this rally for quite some time now. She is actually responsible for Daryl being here, who my friend says is very active behind the scene with these "types" of things. I suppose it's my judgemental nature to has just assumed that this old chum of mine is now a SUWA-ite.. But to the contrary, she stated to me "I'm also in no way affiliated with SUWA, neither was the event. I agree that their methods can be radical, and their goals aren't always clear or consistent." I felt like I had some crow in my mouth with that one. Is it just me who assumed that SUWA has their hands in silly rallies like this? Or that some of the hippies down there are SUWA-ites? Lesson learned for me = not all eco-hippies are created equal? ;)


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
Man, if only the e-outrage was this high for citizens united:rolleyes:

I couldn't give a flying fawk about this guy, but he had balls enough to act on something he believed in. A little civial disobedience is a good thing in my book, regardless of the cause.

Oh, and as for placing "american workers" out of jobs, your elected representatives have been doing that for years. Reagan excelled at it.


sugar house
Man, if only the e-outrage was this high for citizens united:rolleyes:

I couldn't give a flying fawk about this guy, but he had balls enough to act on something he believed in. A little civial disobedience is a good thing in my book, regardless of the cause.

Oh, and as for placing "american workers" out of jobs, your elected representatives have been doing that for years. Reagan excelled at it.

agreed, im all about a bit of anarchy for what you believe in. turn tables, ruffle feathers, get the point across.. awesome! (even if it pisses me off)

however when it puts people out of jobs that crosses a huge line in my book. not being able to put dinner on your familys table because some guy believes in man bear pig is messed up


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
agreed, im all about a bit of anarchy for what you believe in. turn tables, ruffle feathers, get the point across.. awesome! (even if it pisses me off)

however when it puts people out of jobs that crosses a huge line in my book. not being able to put dinner on your familys table because some guy believes in man bear pig is messed up

Sure, but at what point are we going to get past this short term thinking and say enough is enough? I'm just completely sick and tired of seeing big business getting their way, jobs or no jobs. Oh, and let me also say if those oilfield jobs could be outsourced, they would be.
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Salt Lake
I could care less about this ruling for the jobs aspect. It actually has no affect on that since Salazar shut it all down anyways. However, I am scared to imagine what would happen with all of the land use issues (and everything really) if Timmy were found not guilty. Every time something was going to be decided in a legal way, someone could say that they just wanted to observe, had no intentions of doing anything illegal, but then got caught up in the moment and decided that they did need to do something illegal to stand up for themselves and others. That would be a bad thing.


Active Member
Wow, I watched that video. The interviewers are living corpses and I have never heard so much bs in my life. He really thinks he is a environmental savior of sorts. They raised their fists like the black panthers of all things. A must watch if you have the time.
I agree. Scary to listen and watch.


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
thanks to him they make up for there losses by jacking up oil prices per barrel...

You can't possibly be that narrow?

This guy amuses me, nice way to waste our tax dollars!

Wasted tax revenue? How about massive tax shelters and subsidies for the petroleum industry? All the while they report record profits.

Nope, instead lets cut funding of public services and servants.

Oddly, I haven't seen anyone from BP placed on trial and sentenced, and 12 people died out of sheer negligence. While on the subject of "jobs", what about the citizens of the gulf coast whose lives and the lives of their grand children have been completely devastated? Do they count or can you not see them from your porch? Its also shameful that BP has attorneys working day and night to prevent payouts to the victims of their colossal fawk up.

Thats why toeheads like DeChristopher act out, and the castrated left just pisses and moans on message forums. Sound familiar?

Ogre Palowakski

Active Member
Gym basement
You can't possibly be that narrow?

Wasted tax revenue? How about massive tax shelters and subsidies for the petroleum industry? All the while they report record profits.

Nope, instead lets cut funding of public services and servants.

Oddly, I haven't seen anyone from BP placed on trial and sentenced, and 12 people died out of sheer negligence. While on the subject of "jobs", what about the citizens of the gulf coast whose lives and the lives of their grand children have been completely devastated? Do they count or can you not see them from your porch? Its also shameful that BP has attorneys working day and night to prevent payouts to the victims of their colossal fawk up.

Thats why toeheads like DeChristopher act out, and the castrated left just pisses and moans on message forums. Sound familiar?



Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
As much as your leftist rhetoric grates on me, I actually love the specificity and accuracy of your points. :D

dude, thanks...i think:p For what it's worth I've voted republican more times than dem (many years ago). I am just completely dissappointed with the currents state of affairs within our government and society.

Oh, and the idiocy of hb477 also has me fired up this week.

Say what???

Tell me what isn't accurate about my statements. Did the spill not happen? Are there not massive doses of corporate welfare being given to the petroleum industry?
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Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT

Just tell the whole story. The federal government held up clean up operations and has stopped drilling for new wells in the gulf and has rescinded the order to start drilling off the east coast. Our, I repeat, Our federal government has not been run efficiently for at least 40 or 50 years in my estimation and we seem to be left with a choice of president between the lesser of two evils. You can't give away tax payers money forever to get re-elected. The House controls the purse strings in the final analysis no matter who is President so maybe we have a shot at some sanity this go around.

As far as DeCristopher is concerned, he is a criminal and should be punished.
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