Recent content by jeffe03

  1. J

    RME Quarterly Training Day - April 2012

    If there is still room I'm in.
  2. J

    Hole in the Rock trail - March

    We got some pretty good storm damage on our house last week that is going to eat up the budget we set aside for the trip, so we are going to have to drop out. The kids and I are all pretty bummed out. We are all ready to go do we'll find somewhere local to camp. Wish we were going!
  3. J

    Hole in the Rock trail - March

    After a great deal of discussion with my family, I'll be bringing three kids with me: 8 & 10 yr old sons, and 12 year old daughter. They are very excited to go and happy that there will be other kids there too.
  4. J

    Hole in the Rock trail - March

    I would definately have interest if there is still room. I did most of the trail last year with 4Biker. I'm good to go except for a locker, but I was able to get through everything we did without needing to use a winch or strap. I need to confirm my schedule, but pencil me in!
  5. J

    RME Noob Run #2: Intro to Four Wheeling Training Day Sept 16-17

    Sign me up! Extremely likely to attend (unless I have to travel for work). Vehicle: Jeep Wrangler Sport. Stock except for winch and a 2" spacer lift. Experience: Limited. Rattlesnake, Davenport & North Willow Canyons, Hole in the Rock Trail (with 4biker)