Recent content by sinwagn

  1. sinwagn

    So, gas people....anyone thinking about ethanol?

    Their is a station on main in Clearfield that sells it on pump, at least that is what I was told. As far as converting, you can search under "flex fuel" and find all sorts of crap.. If your truck is five years old or less you can also check with the manufactures web site to check your vin...
  2. sinwagn


    Welcome, I hope you have a good set of waders it getspretty deep in here sometimes. I can shovel it with the best!!! Thanks for the replys...
  3. sinwagn

    tes t

  4. sinwagn


    Hi my name is Aric, i'm a virgo, and enjoy long walks on sundays!! :D :rofl: Well isnt that just great. Ok for reals, my name is Aric, I love anything to do with cars, trucks, and anything that has a motor.. I have a stock 85 runner that will have some things done someday, it is my...