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  1. Kevin B.

    Is it ok to have a "make light of" thread?

    REMEMBER REMEMBER THE 5TH OF NOVEMBER or something like that I think
  2. Kevin B.

    Switch to google fiber?

    I get this with my Quantum fiber connection. Their app will tell me I've got blazing speed but when I go to Ookla or whatever it's always lower. Comcast did this too. I've always assumed that the app is telling me the speed from the Quantum server (or switch or whatever it's called in that...
  3. Kevin B.

    Lame Joke Thread

    What do you say when a quarter of your roof flies off in a storm? ... oof.
  4. Kevin B.

    Lighten the mood

    What a racist comment. Lizard people like a nice rack too.
  5. Kevin B.


    I haven't managed to get a pic of it yet, but there's a Lexus (RXsomething, I think) running around WVC with a wrap like that, except it's rainbow, like an oil slick. It's atrocious.
  6. Kevin B.

    What are you listening to?

    He looks like Gary Oldman.
  7. Kevin B.

    Street sign security fastener things

    That'll definitely keep the renters away.
  8. Kevin B.

    Lighten the mood

    You are the reason I ignore my group's Teams chats as much as possible. :rofl:
  9. Kevin B.

    Today I Want This....

    I was thinking more like...
  10. Kevin B.

    Lighten the mood

  11. Kevin B.

    Subaru gurus

    And for bonus points, drag your daughter under there with you. Even basic wrenching is a skill that could save her thousands over her life. @Rot Box might know more about the specifics of that job.
  12. Kevin B.

    Lighten the mood

  13. Kevin B.

    General Tech What did you work on Today?

    That is the most XJ fix ever, and that's not an insult.
  14. Kevin B.

    Today I Want This....

    I have considered it. I can't afford a big chunk of property in the woods to escape to, but I probably could just barely afford a crappy old sailboat and slip fees at the marina. But only just barely. And I don't have the time to keep up a big boat like that. But I've considered it.
  15. Kevin B.

    Today I Want This....

    I'm frankly way more interested in that house-barge-thing he's trying to drive it onto. That looks rad.
  16. Kevin B.

    So now what? (The land use thread)

    Supreme Court isn't going to let Utah skip the lower courts over Take Back Utah: I'm still skeptical that Trump gives two skinny rat butts over land use in Utah unless it affects his...
  17. Kevin B.

    I hate Classifieds Lowballers...

    I don't think they could have made it stick anyway. Maybe if it was a vehicle, but that was a trailer. They can't prove he was driving OR the owner of the towing vehicle.
  18. Kevin B.

    Lighten the mood

    That third paragraph is amazing.
  19. Kevin B.

    Lighten the mood

  20. Kevin B.

    Marc Bryson lazy "build" -JT Gladiator Rubicon

    The problem with being a moderator is somebody goes and says something like this and now I have to spend the rest of the week resisting the temptation to change his user name. I don't even know if I have that power. I'm gonna do my best to keep not knowing.