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  1. R

    Back in the drivers seat, from WVC, UT

    Boy, it has been some time since I've posted on any offroad board. Heres a brief history of my offroading life: Bought new 1999 TJ back when I lived in Mississippi, never thought I'd get to use it properly so I sold it only to find out a few months later I was moving to UTAH!!!! Moved to Utah...
  2. R

    u-joint replacement

    crisis adverted...i knocked the hell out of it and what do you know, it came out!...thanks for all the offers and advice. drove it to the gas station and filled up the tires. Now its streetable, not legal, but driveable :)
  3. R

    u-joint replacement

    Is there anyone willing to help me fix my driveline? It just needs one u-joint replaced. I don't have a hydraulic press and have never replaced a u-joint. I think this is hindering my ability to sell my bronco. Any takers. Give me a price or let me buy you some brew.