Search results

  1. crispy bandit

    PowerWheels + Scooter + GoKart + Quad +Snowblower =?

    My dad sucks a!@ i never had something this cool when i was young. wow! this thing is going to be rad, nice job!
  2. crispy bandit

    Concealed-gun debate heats up after mall shooting

    Who knows the person carrying the Concealed gun could have been mistaken for the a gunman by the police and have been shot. So may be less people would die. But on the other hand the concealed weapons Holder could be one of the fatalities as well. :confused:
  3. crispy bandit

    Fender Flares - What's illegal?

    yes,that resemble 2 huge mullet's
  4. crispy bandit

    Fender Flares - What's illegal?

    All i can find is some sh#$ kicker mud flaps that make my jeep get laughed at:rofl: anyone know of some decent looking flaps for a tj?
  5. crispy bandit

    Fender Flares - What's illegal?

    Yes, I use to have one of those to, and still got pulled over in Murry:mad:
  6. crispy bandit

    Fender Flares - What's illegal?

    Yes, this all makes no f-ing sense to me, you don't see cop's pulling over motorcycles with huge rear tires on the back, for mud flaps, or fender flairs for there front tire, this is just one more stupid Utah law so cops can pull you over and ask to search your jeep, yea you can search my jeep...
  7. crispy bandit

    sucks its getting cold with no windows

    Some jack ass stole my jeep upper black windows, off my 98 wrangler, it sucks cuz its getting cold, i guess the jack ass only cared about his long ears getting cold, but now iam freezing my ass off ,well if anyone has a set lying around for a good price i would love to take them off your hands...