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  1. U

    How to HELP

    Thank you for our help (and time) Tacoma, well we drilled out the whole ignition thing but still wouldent come out, so we ended up breaking the housing off the stering column, does anyone have an extra stering column for sale, Ive really got to get this this running.
  2. U

    How to HELP

    alright thank you tacoma, ive gat all the complicated stuff out but now the black cover just spins and cant get the cover off because the wires to the turn signal thing stops it from comming any further, the ignition is firm in place any help.
  3. U

    How to HELP

    So my little boy, lost the one key i had for my 83 cj-7 and i ordered a whole new ignition switch so the one i ordered just came in. So i took the stering wheel off but now there is a kind of triangle type thing (it looks like the flux copacitor off the movie Back to the future) except smaller...