For Sale - Firm Price 1997 toyota 4runner SR5


Registered User
salt lake co
Son crashed my 1997 4runner has a 3.4 v6 auto Trans with 233000 miles the damage was to the front passenger side. Take the whole thing 1500 or I can part it out all fiver doors and interior is good the only glass that was broke was the windshield the rest is good and all power. The damage parts are the passenger fender, hood and everything in front of the motor.
3.4 v6 Motor---------------------------------------------------------$1100
Auto transmission---------------------------------------------------$400
Power doors without interior panels--------------------------------$75 ea
Rear hatch with working window and no interior panel-----------$400
Rear axle brake to brake-------------------------------------------$300
All interior panels and seats (no Dash parts)---------------------$300
Whole 4runner------------------------------------------------------$1500

If you have Q's call Jim at 801-55zero-six315 I don’t get on here much.