A few Moab pics from a few weeks ago


Registered User
Here is a few pics from out last moab trip. My friend got his blazer stuck in a biiig mud hole on kane creek and twisted his driveline in half trying to get out. It was pretty hilarioius, he drove the rest of the trail in front wheel drive
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Vanilla Gorilla
jeepinkeller said:
Here is a few pics from out last moab trip. My friend got his blazer stuck in a biiig mud hole on kane creek and twisted his driveline in half trying to get out. It was pretty hilarioius, he drove the rest of the trail in front wheel drive

kane creek is a hoot when there is lots of water...!!!


Registered User
Cool pics... I've never seen Kane Creek with more than a few inches of water. It looks fun!

Ya flash floods came through there like a week before we were there, so there was just lots of mud that the floods brought through


on the road again...
Lake Town
I 2nd Greg's water take. :eek: :eek: I have never seen that much water. You know the area right before you start in the canyon that has the up and down hills on the dirt road? Was there any water in there? I had a guy tell me that there are 'normally' puddles of water on those roads but I didnt believe him.


Registered User
ya over all there wasnt much water in the streams at all, mostly just mud, but we just happened to find this big hole, we couldnt believe how deep it was, thats a full size blazer with 35's and the waters almost coming over the tailgate. Here's another pic right before they went in, they stopped to think it over, of course I talked them into goin for it!
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