A Freekin Newbie


aka. Hollywood
Originally posted by mbryson
We do all need to get out and play one of these days. See what everybody's rigs can do. I know I can't hang with Andy and Parker's rigs, but I can find a line in the same area (most of the time) and try to keep up. I can probably hang with Shawn and probably Greg, and some of the other guys.

Does anybody know any areas out in the west desert that are open and challenging? I've heard of some stuff out west of the Toollee/Grantsville area (how the hell is Tooele spelled anyway) that could be good. Anybody know anything about that area?

What do you mean hang with Andy & Parker. We're not any different than you are. And Shawn is pretty good in his own right, I wish I could say that I had driven upper proving grounds.


Vanilla Gorilla
is everyone happy now:D this is really surprising because i got kicked off the jeep-slc list......well i left but anyway..........because i was being outspoken........well they called it trash talking.......but anyway, i am usually the one that gets in trouble but i know the owner of the board, greg, knows who i am and would kill me in my sleep if i started talking trash!! speaking of sleep......greg needs to tell the story of how i used to fall off the top bunk and kill myself on a regular basis.....ahh those were the good old days i can only imagine greg's point of view. 250lb (at the time) guy falling through the air waking up half way down to the ground!!! i still got a knot in my back from that !!!:D :D :D

how was that for changing the subject.....??


Vanilla Gorilla
welcome, you dont happen to be the infamous Marvin the Paranoid Android would you....? nevermind its probably a long shot :)

Wanker Delux

The Other Greg
Too Far North
I don't know what was wrong with spence, I never fell of the top bunk when I had it. I guess he just get kinda excited while he is sleeping sometimes... The worst I ever did was drop the 2x4 on his fish tank...

Btw, shawn... since you are itching to get out take a look at the post about wheeling on newyears.


Price, Utah
I'm not that marvin, I'm really the goonster:p I like Marvin the Martian because nomatter how many times he tries to conqure something he never gives up
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big, blue, & beautiful
Greg said:
I don't think theres really any need to have a Pissing Contest, we all wheel and we have our diffrent ideas about what a good time involves. For some, it's taking out their Hardcore Sammi with 32's and break some U-Joints. Others compete with their Coil Over'd rigs in National Competitions and break their Dana 60's. Is it wheelin? Yeah. Do both have fun? Yeah! So....... who cares?

or their hardcore sammis with 26's... :eek: :D