Extreme West Answer and Location of next event


A real friend !!!!!!!
Here are the the answer to are questions from Ranch . Please go over them and reply to the UROC forum. Thanks Ranch for your reply to are questions.

Wild Bill

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 11:35 pm Post subject:


I will address you questions as they were posted to make it easier for all of us.

1- ( Scoring) Will lets started with the scoring from the first extreme west event,
How is it that if 4 competers in the Super Modified Class tied for 20 place they
are listed 20,21,22, and 23 inpoint if everyone 40 all there courses, should that
not be a tie for 20th ? I know that time breaks the tie, but know one completed
their courses. If all the competers that tied in the event this way they would move
up for year end points right

I believe that the by examining the rules the answer to your question can be found. Below is a copy of the rule regarding ties for your convenience.

1.1. The competitors’ score for an individual event will be the sum of all points issued minus the sum of all bonus points earned throughout the entire event weekend.
1.2. Prior to each event, one obstacle will be designated as a tiebreaker.
1.2.1. In the event of a tie in the competitors calculated score, the competitor with the lowest point total on the tiebreaker obstacle will be awarded the higher finishing position.
1.2.2. In the event that there is still a tie, the competitor who finished the tiebreaker obstacle in the least amount of time will be awarded the higher finishing position.
If both teams did not complete the tiebreaker obstacle or completed it in the same time, the next obstacle up in the lineup will be used.

You brought up the Super modified tie in St. George, which is a good example of the rule in action. I have posted the portion of the spreadsheet that breaks the tie for twentieth. This is pasted off of the spreadsheet used at the event.

Pro Nationals Tie Breaker
Name # Friday Saturday Total B5 B4 B3
Gilleland 722 102 183 285 40 40 23
Hildebrand 26 150 135 285 40 40 40

In this case, John Gilleland got a 40 on B5 (the tie breaker), as did Curt Hildebrand. Because neither finished the time question (rule 1.2.2) is irrelevant. There for, we began working our way down the obstacles as listed in rules under 1.2.2 and retrieved the points for B4. Again the obstacles were not completed, again the time was irrelevant and so we moved to B3 where John had a lower score than Curt. As a result, John got the series points for the 23rd position.

2. ( Event location) We have been hearing this for a long time, but we know that
we will be running are 3rd event in Cedar City with Pro Rock in July and that UROC
is working on next year’s event location. How about this years first and then
next years after.

The second event will be in Cougar Buttes near Johnson Valley. We received verbal confirmation from the BLM on 4-15-04 in the afternoon. Actually, we have been working on next year’s dates, not locations. We will be submitting apps by the end of the month for next year’s locations and will post those after approval has been given by the managing agency.

3. (Running to different events at the same location.) Did we not learn from Farmington
with RCAA and CalRock they ran their events at the same time at the same place and
all I think it did was split the drivers and fan’s because some of use, do run
more than just one event in the year.

I agree with you, we are posting to the site now that this event has been re-scheduled. I will have the re-schedule time and place by Tuesday.

4. (Event coverage) is they’re going to be any for the extreme west event and
( answers From D
i heard rumors from the uroc office. when they were trying to get espn they were
also trying to get all the other channels. because they didnt know which show would
take them. since espn did take the pros. one of the others might take the west and
the east series i heard speed channel probably this is not confirmed

Some of the Extreme events will be covered by Speed Channel.

5. (Event sponsors) who and are they putting up any money for the teams

BFG, Toyo, Skyjacker, Maxxis, Edge, Beard Seats, TeraFlex, Mepco, and Warn.

All tire companies are putting up excellent contingency, as is Edge. We are presently working on the others as well as new sponsors for the series.

6. (Event Safety) please just go into what UROC is going to offer first please.
( answers ambulances, osha approved caps on the rebar, and the rebar pushed back

# 7 What are they going to do about the rebar? we have been talking about this for
a few years now. There was a team that rolled over 3 times and then ended up on
a 4 foot pc of rebar at the event this weeked. Someone is going to get hurt or killed,
then maybe someone will do something about it. [/size][/size]

I put these two together, as #7 is a detail of number 6. Ambulances are at all events as you listed. For more information check out the safety section of the rules.

Regarding rebar, we are looking into ways to better hang banners. For those who attended the Vernal event, the rebar used was less and mostly above the obstacle with OSHA caps. True, a rig destroyed one and we are looking into ways to avoid this in the future. The safety of the teams is a big concern for us, we recognize the concern with the rebar, and while I don’t see us discontinuing the use in safe areas, we are looking at other options in danger areas.

#8 Has UROC changed the rule about not finishing in time?
Like only the courses who were ran by ALL should be counted. This would be fair.(even
though they may never have that problem again)

We have not yet. We are looking at various ways to make this better. If you have ideas, contact your roundtable rep.

#9 Round table members for the Extreme West ( answers pure-adrenaline)

I will have the members contact info posted on our site shortly. The chairman is reviewing it now to ensure accuracy and should be done this weekend. [/quote]
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