For Sale - Firm Price For Sale 5 x 37" tires with wheels for 1,500.00 Double internal bead lockers

jeep pic.jpgspacers.jpgtires.jpgtrxus.jpgtrxus 1.jpgwheel 1.jpgwheels 4.jpgI have 4 Trail Worthy 16.5 Split wheel like a hummer wheel, with internal double bead locks. 5 x 5 wheel pattern. These are two tone and have aa rock ring with skulls cnc in them.
Also 4 Goodyear Wrangler new style MT/R 37" x 12.5 x 16.5. these are mounted on the above wheel. only 500 miles on them.
My spare is a 37" Interco Trxus new x 12.5 x 17. it is mounted on a new black rock 17 x 9. it has never been mounted on a vehicle.
I have 4 x wheel spacers 1.25 with a 5 x 5 bolt pattern as well. I have all the caps, lug, locks, and lugs for the spacers that go with this package.
This is a steal of a deal, all for 1,500.00. Tx or call 435 849 5537. First with cash gets them. thanks Andrew I can tx you pictures as requested.
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