New Forum Software! Help us find issues.


Nobody Cares, Work Harder
Hey everyone, welcome to the next step for RME... the Xenforo forum software! There will be some time before we're all used to the new layout, where different buttons and options are. In the meantime, if you see any issues or something that isn't working, please use this thread to post up and share what you see.

It will take us a little time to get all the bugs worked out, so please be patient!
Some of the issues that have been brought up will be resolved soon with a new version, especially those about the space below images along with other improvements. Just want to say thank you for reporting the issues and know that they are not going unheard. :cool:
Quick question... Does the form post alerts when a post is edited ?
I 'm doing my TIG cart build thread right now and have a bad habit of building a thread by successive approximation and wonder if people know I've updated earlier posts...
Quick question... Does the form post alerts when a post is edited ?
I 'm doing my TIG cart build thread right now and have a bad habit of building a thread by successive approximation and wonder if people know I've updated earlier posts...

I don't believe it does, I've done the same thing and wondered who all sees the changes. The only thing others will see is a little tiny note at the bottom of the post that says something like 'last edited at...'
so some people can see my pics and some can't. Not sure what to do.
Here's a tester/

I'm having trouble getting search results I expect. When I try to search multiple words it seems like the search is auto dropping of the words by saying its too common rather than using "and" to bridge them. I did a google search and on a xenforo forum it says the searches are supposed to be automatically "and" but it doesn't seem like that's the case. Putting parenthesis around the words or using a plus sign between them also doesn't seem to make a difference.
I'm having trouble getting search results I expect. When I try to search multiple words it seems like the search is auto dropping of the words by saying its too common rather than using "and" to bridge them. I did a google search and on a xenforo forum it says the searches are supposed to be automatically "and" but it doesn't seem like that's the case. Putting parenthesis around the words or using a plus sign between them also doesn't seem to make a difference.

Can you provide an example? There's a chance that the search index may need to be rebuilt soon.

Thanks for the heads up!
Noticed searching for engine sizes is a little hit and miss. 8.1 or 7.3 or similar aren't searchable. Haven't tried YJ or TJ or FJ

Try adding an asterisk to short terms, such as *YJ* or what have you.

An alternative (because of the internal search engine limitations/performance) you can do a site specific search via google or DuckDuckGo.
example: my search text
I tried to send a picture in the conversation mode and it just request a url vs the ability to search my phone and pull a picture off of it.
I tried to send a picture in the conversation mode and it just request a url vs the ability to search my phone and pull a picture off of it.

Yea, depending on your mobile browser it will ask your permissions to access your photos in order for you to upload photos. It doesn't mean it's going to search or download your photos, it just needs permission from you to actually be able to access the photo that you want to upload.
Yea, depending on your mobile browser it will ask your permissions to access your photos in order for you to upload photos. It doesn't mean it's going to search or download your photos, it just needs permission from you to actually be able to access the photo that you want to upload.
How do I give it permission. It never asked.
Is it possible to make the "return to top" arrow in the bottom corner a fixed (floating?) button? Maybe it's just me, but it bugs me that you have to scroll up a tiny bit to get the button to appear. What about adding a "return to bottom" button as well? Both features are handy at times.