Redbox review: BOOK OF ELI


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
alright! action!

Post apocalyptic tale as we are sort of used to: the desolation, the rag-tag bands of bad people in That Town, etc. Guy is taking a book "west", gets to a town where the Evil Leader wants it. Conflict ensues, then resolution.

I have to say that I was happily surprised by this movie in general. Did what it could within a well-worn genre. Bad-assed fight scenes! Slicing and dicing! Gary Oldman is excellent in Bad Mode here, as usual. Denzel Washington is also excellent in Righteous Mode, as usual.

Our main character is a good guy, as in morally so. I liked that. I also liked conclusion of the movie, which I won't ruin for anyone who hasn't seen it-- it is an interesting twist they threw in. :D

I'll give this one a 9.8 on the Tacoma Scale for: action! a good guy as a main character! Mila Kunis! overall decency! appropriate violence! comeuppances! and a twist.

Watch it if you like that sort of thing.


Poker of the Hornets Nest
well, it's not action every second. Medium-paced, I'd say.

This is well in keeping with my love of stories, as opposed to overblown jump-cut action lately.

I guess that the story was just too.. trite? I could see what was coming a mile away.. I prefer a story too but that is I guess why I liked The Machinist as it was hard to guess what was coming next