Redbox review: ENDURE


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
so it was a slow night a few weeks ago at the ol' Redbox... I see "Endure", which had kind of a promising back-of-box blurb: Car crash, cops find pics of a chick tied up somewhere, Detective Hero has to find here before it's too late!!

Sounds alright. Problem was, Detective Hero was played by a very morose Judd Nelson. Yes, I should have known: but it was a slow night!!
For the entire movie, this guy was so depressed and unsympathetic that I think that's why they really titled the movie "Endure"-- it is a sick challenge from the director to see if you can do it.

Turns out I couldn't. I was bored by the plodding mopey-ness of Detective Hero, just couldn't give a sh*t about his efforts. Watched reruns of "Numb3rs" and "The Unit" instead. And I hate "Numb3rs" for using a 3 for an E even more than I love "The Unit"s snappy Mamet dialogue.

I give it negative Tacoma points, 5 of them. Avoid this movie unless you're into like, seeing how many clothespins you can put on your face, how long you can crouch, or any other irritating, pointless pursuit. You've been warned.