Trip Report Sand Hollow autum Crawl.


Recovering XJ owner anonymous
Southern Utah
So Dave Thompson is a local that had a house here and in California. He set up an Autum crawl for this week. Bart also wanted to wheel so I planned on wheeling with him also. I am very fortunate to live where I do and am one of the lucky ones.
My week started on Tuesday morning with a quick run on a trail called Resurrection. It's rated a 5. It was new to me and I enjoy being out whenever I can. I took the YJ and had a blast doing it.

Thursday Dave planned on doing Sliplock and John's trails. I took the YJ again. Always good trails and the YJ surprises me constantly on how capable it is. 20230921_095932.jpg20230921_095912.jpg20230921_090145.jpg

Bart rolled into town in the afternoon so I went home and traded the YJ for the buggy. I wanted to break him and the buggy in properly so I took him to one of my favorite trails Arrowhead which is rated a 10. I know the lines and trail well so I felt confident guiding Bart through.

After Arrowhead we went to do Chain reaction a 9 rated trail with some 10 or 11 obstacles. I go a little too high on a awkward line and rolled ours into a bunch of soft sand. Bart right me back over and we fired it up and continued on and finished the trail.
On Friday Bart texted me and asked for no more 10 trails lol. He may have slipped Into to a Crack or two and didn't want to damage his aluminum tub. I don't blame him so I had a day of 9 rated trails planned. We started with Nasty whole. Everything went great. We then did Joint effort and then proceeded to chill and eat lunch with Dave and crew whom we ran into at the end of Joint effort. Bart and I then ran TNT. It was a great day and no major issues. We quickly learned on day 1 that Barts jeep likes to steer the rear with lots of droop. Bart was figuring out to drive it and keep the rear on the walls which is critical is so many trails and V notches here at Sand Hollow.

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Saturday we planned to do the Maze with Dave and a couple locals and people he knew. Barts Son Jared also arrived the evening before with his awesome YJ. We cruised up the Maze and hit some optional lines with the rigs. Myself and Dave and Bart did the soup bowl at the end of the Maze. With Barts tires steering under him, it took a minute to get him on the correct line, but we eventually got him there. We didn't have any more plans, and Bart decided he wanted to run the Fallen.
We headed over and ran the fallen with the group. After the fallen the day was still young. I talked Bart and his Son, Jared into running Arrowhead. We all drove everything fine until the last obstacle. I put Jared on a different line thinking it would work but it didn't. After a little repositioning with the help of a winch we were able to put Jared on the correct line and he drove right out. We then finished the day in some rain and a quick run up Nasty half. FB_IMG_1695521568879.jpg20230923_143944.jpg20230923_142920.jpg20230923_142633.jpg20230923_142554.jpg20230923_135705.jpg20230923_113611.jpg
Sunday morning Bart and Dave both are running roller coaster during Trail Hero and wanted to pre run it. Dave, myself, Bart and Jared headed where we thought it was. Dave found the map and we ran the trail. It is rated a 9 but I feel if you do all the lines it is more of a 10 or even 11 rated. No carnage or any excitement. I love new to me hard trails and was able to climb a difficult/technical climb that required some front only burns and one reverse to keep the passenger tire from falling in. It then ends in a rock playground area that I remember looking at uears ago but never drove. Cool to drive it today.


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