Snowbird CEO's reply to concerns over the M.E.G. takeover


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
As he was speaking that was my same thought, he was very articulate and his point was very well made. Kudos to him for making a great speech.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Merica, Land of the all mighty dollar!!!! land of the not so free and home of the corporation....

Couldn't agree more. Not just heading towards, but already there, a weird combination of fascism (Mussolini's version - I.E. Corporatism) mixed with oligarchy. Money absolutely trumps everything in this country. You only get as much justice as you can afford and your vote doesn't mean diddly squat because no matter who we elect they all have the same Big Money masters to serve - not us.

Middle Class, most of us, just getting sucked dry from both ends like the parasite hosts that we have become. Re-distribution from one end and trickle up economics from the other.

Honestly, I am just very pessimistic about the future of our country. It's the Golden Rule all the way anymore, without even much pretense. Middle Class is just getting butt raped and it's never going to get any better, only worse. I'm trying to get it though to my kids that they can't beat 'em, so they better try and join 'em. Hard work and education can still get you somewhere, if you are lucky. It's getting to be less and less that way though. Almost have to be born rich, to have a real shot. The U.S.A. ranks dead last among advanced economies in the world for upward mobility. Your economic status at birth is a better indicator or your future here than any other major nation. Sad...



Totally Awesome
I agree about the middle class. my savings gets eaten alive anytime my overtime slows down. hospital bills, mortgage, mortgage insurance, health insurance etc eats it all up. And I make pretty damn good money. I have moved my self up a long way from $9.00 when I was first in college. But I feel like everytime I turn around the government is taking more money out of my pocket. I would love to move back to Wyoming, no state income take and only a 4% tax on non-food items.

Utah screws you coming and going. On your paycheck and when you purchase something. it gets annoying. I can't believe this state feels good taxing food. People on low income get screwed and have to buy crap food all the time to survive.