TRUMP: Whats the real deal?

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Rarely wrenches
Supporting Member
I’m calling it. RBG is dead, comey put out the cryptic message yesterday. He did the same thing with Bush Sr... spooks I tell ya.

How many of you are going to lose your mind over another Trump SC appointment? :)

The Kavanaugh hearing was the best entertainment I've seen in years. Absolutely unbelievable the garbage that was thrown around, it'd be neat to see round 3.


Registered User
What gang is this? Almost every major gang in the US origin is from South America?

MS-13, the most talked about gang (at least by Trump) has its origins in LA in the 80s, made up mostly of immigrants and refugees from Central America (key to note the gang affiliation happened here) then spread back into Central America with the deportation of those same gang members for their criminal convictions.

By no means justifying gang membership or violence, but immigrant youth are certainly vulnerable to be recruited into gangs. Then they are deported back into countries they left as children with little to know support system there.

Not blaming the US for "all the worlds problems", nor that deporting them is wrong, but this is a case where US policy has come full circle.


Well-Known Member
Kaysville Utah
I hate to say it but I think the democrats got trump in a checkmate situation I see no end in site with the shutdown. The hardcore trumps have no problem with the shutdown but the weekend warriors are gonna get tired of it. I don’t see Nancy or Chuck giving trump the funding and I don’t see trump giving in. Buckle up this could get ugly.


Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
MS-13, the most talked about gang (at least by Trump) has its origins in LA in the 80s, made up mostly of immigrants and refugees from Central America (key to note the gang affiliation happened here) then spread back into Central America with the deportation of those same gang members for their criminal convictions.

So the sureños? Which actually originated as far back as the late 60's. And sure the name and gang affiliation "started" in the US but they were sent here by the central American drug cartels to setup shop for distribution.

And if you want to throw in as a bonus this was one of the gangs involved in the Fashion Place Mall shooting.


somewhat damaged
I hate to say it but I think the democrats got trump in a checkmate situation I see no end in site with the shutdown. The hardcore trumps have no problem with the shutdown but the weekend warriors are gonna get tired of it. I don’t see Nancy or Chuck giving trump the funding and I don’t see trump giving in. Buckle up this could get ugly.

Do you know what happens in 5 days? RIF

What you see in the media is not reality, at all.


Active Member
Salt Lake City
Do you know what happens in 5 days? RIF

What you see in the media is not reality, at all.

It appears what you see is also not reality.

See below taken from the Office of Personnel Management's guidance for shutdown furloughs. They are not treated the same and once they hit 30 days are essentially renewed as a 2nd furlough and not a continuation of the first one.

Shutdown furloughs lasting more than 30 calendar days (22 workdays) are also covered by OPM regulations under 5 CFR part 752, adverse action procedures or 5 CFR part 359, subpart H, as applicable. When the shutdown furlough goes beyond 30 days, agencies should treat it as a second shutdown furlough and issue another adverse action or furlough notice.

NOTE: Reductions in force (RIF) furlough regulations and SES competitive furlough requirements are not applicable to emergency shutdown furloughs because the ultimate duration of an emergency shutdown furlough is unknown at the outset and is dependent entirely on Congressional action, rather than agency action. The RIF furlough regulations and SES competitive furlough requirements, on the other hand, contemplate planned, foreseeable, money-saving furloughs that, at the outset, are planned to exceed 30 days


Registered User
Obviously gangs in one form or another are nothing new.

My point in bringing them up is that to blame gang violence, or crime in general, on immigration is just plain asinine. And the gang shooting at Fashion Place does not have a immigration aspect from what I have read (i.e. nothing saying those involved are illegal immigrants). That could change as more info comes out, but I doubt it.

Just keep in mind that despite the fearmongering, immigrants commit crime at a lower rate than native born Americans.


somewhat damaged
It appears what you see is also not reality.

See below taken from the Office of Personnel Management's guidance for shutdown furloughs. They are not treated the same and once they hit 30 days are essentially renewed as a 2nd furlough and not a continuation of the first one.

Shutdown furloughs lasting more than 30 calendar days (22 workdays) are also covered by OPM regulations under 5 CFR part 752, adverse action procedures or 5 CFR part 359, subpart H, as applicable. When the shutdown furlough goes beyond 30 days, agencies should treat it as a second shutdown furlough and issue another adverse action or furlough notice.

NOTE: Reductions in force (RIF) furlough regulations and SES competitive furlough requirements are not applicable to emergency shutdown furloughs because the ultimate duration of an emergency shutdown furlough is unknown at the outset and is dependent entirely on Congressional action, rather than agency action. The RIF furlough regulations and SES competitive furlough requirements, on the other hand, contemplate planned, foreseeable, money-saving furloughs that, at the outset, are planned to exceed 30 days

Might be worth a read


Registered User
Can't say I found them very useful. More propaganda than news, in my opinion.

I certainly don't think we will every have a government shutdown that saves money in the end as one of the articles discussed. Far more realistically is one side will throw in some funding for the other side's pet projects to get them to go along and end up with increased spending.


El Destructo!
Just keep in mind that despite the fearmongering, immigrants commit crime at a lower rate than native born Americans.

Based on? The Cato Institute study that only includes TX?

Obviously we are throwing out all immigration related crimes in that statistic as 100% of illegals are guilty of committing a crime.

Those in a differed action program are conveniently left out.

What percentage of "native born" criminals are anchor babies of illegals? How many crimes committed by illegals against other illegals go unreported? What percentage of crimes committed by illegals are not included in those statistics because the perpetrators run, either back to their country of origin or steal another identity and continue living in the US, and never see a conviction?

To claim illegals commit crime at a lower rate is intellectually dishonest.


Registered User

I don't know if the Cato study really looks only at Texas or not, but considering much of the border and illegal crossings happen in Texas, and that is where Trump went to talk up his "crisis", that would seem to be a pretty important place to look.

As to assumptions that "native born criminals" are "anchor babies of illegals" is just plain racist and hateful. But honestly that pretty much sums up @Noahfeck posts in general- fear and hate. Rather sad.

And to those pointing out that 'all illegals break the law', be careful of throwing rocks while living in glass houses. I doubt there are many, if any, of us on this sight who don't occasionally speed, have rigs with a few violations (mudflaps, tire coverage etc come up often). Pretty safe to say we all break the law at some point.
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