U4 minutes, August 2010


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
U4WDA Minutes 08/26/2010

note: These are as they appear on the U4 BOD forum, without omission

In Attendance: Jack Johnston/Lisa Rasmussen/ Todd and Linda Adams/ Stratton Graves and Staci/ Joseph Colasanti/ John Washburn/ Tacoma White /Karen Eng-Toda/ Brett Davis/ Mike Johansen/ Randy Hegstead/Ron Tolman
Conference Call: Jeff Stevens/ Steve Edmunds

A call to order was done.

Minutes for July:
 A motion was made to accept the minutes for July as corrected, and it was seconded, then voted on and unanimously approved.
General Announcements:
 We are moving forward with the 501 C 3.
 Many BOD members are involved in TakeBackUtah and are unable to be here.
 Bear resigned as president effective today.
 Todd is pro tempore president. A motion was made to have Matt Westrich take over as the new president. After discussion the motion to do this was retracted. Discussion about this can continue on the forum. It was decided to table this discussion until the next meeting which is September 17th in Moab.
New Business Members:
 None at this time.
New BOD Members:
 A motion was made to have Gary Taylor as a BOD member was made and seconded. This was unanimously voted on.
 A motion was made to elect Tacoma as a BOD member (again). This was seconded and then unanimously voted on.
Upcoming Events:
 Take Back Utah: The rally is on August 28th and will start at Liberty Park; the parade will start at 10 AM, and finish with a rally at noon at the State Capitol. Rick Whiteside is the president of Take Back Utah and has been working hard on getting the permits for the rally. The line-up will be at 6:30 AM and it starts at Liberty Park at 10AM, and then will meet at the State Capitol at noon. There is an ongoing debate on land-use issues between Mike Lee and Tim Bridgewater. The goal of Take Back Utah is not to particularly focus on any one group, but to compliment (not compete with) any group that is already involved in land use issues and bring this effort to the forefront politically. What is needed is a large group of volunteers. Ryan has lots of people to help and it is primarily with crowd control and directing traffic up by the capitol. This will be widely publicized on AYL and has already been on numerous radio spots with KSL.
 Utah 4X4 Club and Friends for Wheeling has invited U4WDA to do our September Meeting in Moab on Friday, September 17 at 7PM at the Gravel Pit Bowling Lanes. They will provide refreshments. Since they have met the requirements, and this is one of the goals to hold some of our meetings in other locations throughout the state, a motion was made to accept this invitation and have our meeting early and in Moab on this date and at this time. Please plan to attend.
 NPLD: The date for this is 9/25. As BOD members, it is our responsibility to keep our clubs informed of these activities and to help the clubs coordinate their projects and commit to doing them and turning in their time and reporting who participated so that they get credit with the state about hours spent to keep public lands open. Jack will be putting this list on the forum and RME so at least word is out to the 4-wheel drive community about our efforts on NPLD.
 United Four Wheel Drive Association Training: Todd has been exploring the training for CPR and First-Aid and right now the best bet is the online training. To qualify, the trainer must be CPR and first-aid certified, have a clean driving record and pass the certification program provided by United. We need volunteers to do this. XJ Ryan will check with one of the members in his club who is a firefighter and report if he is able to do a mass training in CPR and first-aid. He has still not gotten back to Todd on this issue.
 WEROC Grand National Challenge: This will be out at Larry H. Miller Motorsports Park. Tacoma and Meat are both planning on being there. This will be October 1-2.
Land-Use Update:
 Please see forum for updates.
Treasurer’s Report:
 Jack Johnston reported that the general fund has $17,033, the Open Access fund has $2767, and the supplies fund has $392. The grand total is $20,194.26.
 Jack has invited Ron Tolman, who is good with QuickBooks, to come to this meeting and introduce himself. He is helping Jack get the books straight.
 Ron Tolman introduced himself. He is a CPA and a member of Utah 4x4 club. He likes to go 4-wheeling with his family and wants to get involved with land use issues. He recently attended the “Listen” meeting with Salazar. He will try to help Jack learn QuickBooks and therefore help U4WDA with the treasurer’s duties.
Membership Director Report:
 Gary was not here to report. With the resignation of Bear we surely hope that we can have the support of Gary and his wife who have done a great job with getting the memberships all caught up and organized.
 For follow-up, Sarge is looking into a new laser printer for the Membership Director.
Webmaster Report:
 Shane Herzog was not here to report but asked that we send him any questions we have about the website.
 The list of updates needed for the site: e-mail blast about TakeBackUtah and WEROC and an e-mail blast about the change this month for the BOD meeting to be held in Moab on 9/17 and invite everyone to come out if they can. There will be a trail ride the next day. The information about this meeting is listed above under events.
Quartermaster Report:
 Quartermaster Sarge was not here to report.
Compass Update:
 John Washburn reported that there were not a lot of articles yet. We should have all received the last Compass.
 The next deadline is September 1st. He has articles from Jack about the “Listen” meeting and a couple of others. He is requesting that if people have been assigned articles to please turn them in ASAP.
 Jack will write up a blurb about the meetings he has been attending. He has become our voice in the media. Don Black has asked Jack to look after northern Utah land use issues.
 Other articles we need are: a statement from the President… so maybe Sarge should write a small article about this. Although not yet voted in as President, he should be able to make a statement about the U4, where we are going, and our objectives for the near future. Another would be a wrap-up about TakeBackUtah by Rick Whiteside. Anyone with any ideas about articles, just write it and submit it to John.
 After the new organization is in place, then we can include educational information in the Compass.
 Jody Van Zandt is now out of school. Before she left she indicated that she still had an interest in helping. Maybe she can be tapped into to help John with the Compass.
Vice-President’s Reports: the VP reports will be put on the forum so the clubs’ activities will be on the website.
 All VP’s are to put their reports on the forum for all people to be able to read.
Delegates Update:
 Blue Ribbon Coalition- Jack reported that he talked with Brian Hawthorne at the “Listen” meeting and found that it would be very expensive to hire someone as the Executive Director for U4. BRC is concerned about SUWA making private deals with cyclists and oil companies. The front page of the Tribune for 08/26 has an article about this very subject. There still may be some kind of lawsuit filed by the off-road groups about this.
 USA_ALL- TakeBackUtah has been their main emphasis.
 United 4-Wheel Drive: there have been a lot of posts change and they have some new board members. Also they are utilizing e-mail news as a means of getting information out.
 OHV Council: they recently had a joint OHV trails committer at the DWR meeting. They authorized $5.5 million in grants. Some of these grants include redoing the toilets at Sand Flats slick rock bike trail and putting up a new kiosk, putting additional trailhead parking and moving the toilet to the start of the trail at Fins & Things, putting up signage on the east side of the LaSalle’s near Moab, improving the trail system at the Avajos Mountains, and most of the rest of the money went to purchasing mechanized groomers for snow-mobile trails. Another grant went to the Jacob City Loop tail. It was a complete oversight to leave off the jeep symbol on all the signs of this trail. These signs will soon be going up and in the meantime, the sheriff will not be issuing citations for being on that trail with a Jeep.
Additional Business:
 The sponsor committee has determined that by January and the winter issue of the Compass, the clock is being reset on their contracts. This will provide a starting point and then we can get a better handle on all of this and provide receipts and recognition to those who donate product or money.
 We asked a U4 member who came for the meeting, Randy Hegstead, if he had any thoughts or concerns. He said he was glad that U4WDA was doing what they can to keep the trails open and renewed his membership.

Our next meeting will be in Moab on September 17th followed by a trail ride on September 18th. See the information about this meeting under events.