Your Pic of The Day


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I decided I wanted to clean up the rv pad area before winter and have it dug out and leveled for at least gravel this year. That meant cutting up and splitting too much scavenged wood and stacking it out of the way. I still have 5 logs about 6-8' long under the pallet I didn't get to. I ran out of space and time.


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East Stabbington
I'd like to know how that got onto the pallet. Maybe place the pallet under the thing before it grows too huge?

I have a friend that grows those, and that's what they do.

It's crazy how much effort it takes to grow a pumpkin like that. She works on her soil basically year round. Those things will grow like 40+ lbs per day when they are doing there thing. It's crazy to me how much water and nutrient it must take for a plant to do something like that.


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of a prank I pulled on a friend a few years back. It started out as randomly leaving a single small pumpkin (As seen on the left) on his door step one night. Forgot about it, a couple weeks later remembered, and they were still trying to figure out who it was. So I started plotting to leave more pumpkins. My sister worked at a grocery store that had this whopper, and it was $26, so she and I loaded it up. Another friend of mine (Brother in law, of the guy in the picture) and I dropped it off pretty late into the night, and left it with a mustache on his door step. After that, there was quite a few more pumpkins, a super small one, and finally just a can of pumpkin. Eventually I got caught because I started to get gutsy, and knocked and ran after leaving it, and I was spotted.
