Divine strake bomb


Limited Supply Of Sanity
I was wondering how many of you were concerned about this or not. Does anyone know when the government will decide if this is going to happen or not. I am really concerned for my family. If this test does pass how many of you are going to stick around to breathe the air?


Well-Known Member
I haven't thought too much about it. Whenever I hear a story on the news about it I think "man, I hope that doesn't happen" and then I don't think anything more about it. :D I'd have to read more on it, but from what I remember hearing you'd have to have a pretty stiff wind to get any affects into the Salt Lake Valley (I may be totally off though). ...off to go do some research :p

Oh, and It think you mean Divine Strake :D


somewhat damaged
Oh, and It think you mean Divine Strake :D


And yeah, I'm not for this... Too much public health risk involved. I don't care if it doesn't go over northern Utah or not, it shouldn't go over any part of our Country that is inhabited.


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Supporting Member
East Stabbington
Not saying I support it but it's not a nuclear blast. It's amonium nitrate and diesel fuel. think Oklahoma Federal building.

Either way, that much boom can't be a good thing that close to civilization.

They should just plant it underneath some Nascar track and wait till race day.

(it's just a joke people)



somewhat damaged
Not saying I support it but it's not a nuclear blast. It's amonium nitrate and diesel fuel. think Oklahoma Federal building.

Either way, that much boom can't be a good thing that close to civilization.

They should just plant it underneath some Nascar track and wait till race day.

(it's just a joke people)


I have no idea if it's a Nuclear blast or not... But the soil that it is being detonated on still contains half life particles from the previous nuclear testing so many years ago. I think that is the main concern.


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Supporting Member
East Stabbington
oh gotcha. That makes sense.

So maybe my Nascar idea isn't too bad of one afterall. Incinerated Natural Light cans aren't particularly healthy to breath though....

It's a risk I'm willing to take.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Eh, I'd prefer not to have the soil churned up, but I also think the risks are fairly minimal.

The nuclear tests worked out so well for southern UT though, that I am really not in favor of any testing in that soil.


total tacoma points: 162
i say test it all you want. just not in an area that has been subjected to atomic testing. test it in a clean area. test it in the ocean. test it in Los Angeles. test it in Dallas. just not in the Nevada test range.


I was wondering how many of you were concerned about this or not. Does anyone know when the government will decide if this is going to happen or not. I am really concerned for my family. If this test does pass how many of you are going to stick around to breathe the air?

First of all, who are you?

I don't really care one way or the other. I'm more concerned about the crap I'm already breathing when I step outside.


She's Barbie :greg: You know that blond with the car and ken and everything...

Herzog's wife if you didn't know... -_-

Better watch out, Shane's gonna ban you! -_-

You know, I used to think he was married... but then I never saw her around these parts for a long time.... started to think I was the victim of some elaborate scheme, to what end I do not know.