ho-lee jesus 18 kids murdered in elementary school massacre


Official identifies Nancy Lanza, mother of Connecticut shooting suspect Ryan Lanza, as one of those killed

CNN now says suspect's brother also found dead in Hoboken, NJ.


somewhat damaged
**** everything about this. How does somebody just snap & kill their parents and elementary kids? Seriously, how? I cannot comprehend.


I like traffic lights
Down Or'm
This is going to amp up the gun control debate.

That's one of the first things I thought about too. My son (almost seven) finally figured out I carry a gun. He's been asking about it lately, wanting to know why I have it. I've been stressing that it's for self defense and protection, not because I think it's cool or am looking for a fight. He's having a hard time understanding why someone would want to hurt us, and it's hard explaining to a kid that there are truly evil people in the world. Sickening...


i think that children fearful for their lives might start carrying weapons in the interest of self preservation, and a child with their limited life experience, loose control over their emotions, and poor judgement packing heat is a bad thing

i site that shooting by an elementary aged student on the school bus like a month ago as an example


Well-Known Member
Lehi, UT
This is definitely a tragedy, but what the result will be is more gun control laws/rules. Stories like this make me want to get a concealed even more, but in places like schools, you still cant have them in the premises, so it is useless. I personally think that teachers should be allowed to be able to have a concealed (if they go through the classes) in the classroom. They could possibly prevent or hinder tragedies like this.


my co-worker feels that teachers should be armed as a mandatory action

i feel if teachers were armed it should be like the "air-marshall" concept. so students, nor perps would know which teachers were packing, and therefore could not disarm them as a means af aquiring firearms. because you know getting a gun into a school will suddenly become extremely difficult after this, i bet after something so horrible the DHS will get some contract to perform invasive searches on entrants to schools like they did on airports after the last time something super tragic happened


looks like the developmentally disadvantaged brother Adam Lanza was the shooter, who was carrying his brother's ID. The real Ryan Lanza is being questioned in Hoboken NJ.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
This is definitely a tragedy, but what the result will be is more gun control laws/rules. Stories like this make me want to get a concealed even more, but in places like schools, you still cant have them in the premises, so it is useless. I personally think that teachers should be allowed to be able to have a concealed (if they go through the classes) in the classroom. They could possibly prevent or hinder tragedies like this.

As a parent, I'd be 100% interested in seeing something like that happen. However, kids in schools are a serious pain the ass. The answer is that parents must actually PARENT to prevent kids from being idiots. Fact is, they don't. I'm amazed at some of the surprised responses from teachers when we side with the teacher vs. siding with our kid on some of the issues at parent teacher conf. From the teachers response, it seems that they are not well supported in a lot of homes. I'm not sure what the right answer is for teachers, but if I was one, a secured weapon would be something I'd really want to have for just this type of situation.


if Biometrically controlled firearms were available to teachers i would be in full support of each and every teacher having them

there is a fine line here about how a child (specifically teens who seem to think they know more than their teachers) would react to being educated in an enviroment with a firearm.

they might say "hey if MRS. Crabapple can have a gun....why can't i?" and if johnny dumbass thought that, then other students would think ok he has one, now i need one to protect myself from him.

and that would cascade to students carrying weapons left and right, and a hormonal, pubescent, emotional person who already makes bad choices packing heat could easily misuse it


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
if Biometrically controlled firearms were available to teachers i would be in full support of each and every teacher having them

there is a fine line here about how a child (specifically teens who seem to think they know more than their teachers) would react to being educated in an enviroment with a firearm.

they might say "hey if MRS. Crabapple can have a gun....why can't i?" and if johnny dumbass thought that, then other students would think ok he has one, now i need one to protect myself from him.

and that would cascade to students carrying weapons left and right, and a hormonal, pubescent, emotional person who already makes bad choices packing heat could easily misuse it

I believe what you're talking about is called "slippery slope"....(not exactly, but it applies in this case)


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
What a terrible tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with all the families effected by this senseless act. There has been far to many incidents like this in the last six months. I read somewhere today that there have been 31 school shootings since Columbine. If that is acurate there is no question it's time to do something to ensure saftey at our schools. It is ridiculous that attending school is becoming a leading cause of death in our country. I don't usually talke a stance on things but I don't feel that any amount of gun control would prevent this type of thing, drugs are illegal and you can get them all day long. Would restricting gun purchases prevent them from making it to the streets? Hell no! Clearly these people are sick and they need help before this kind of thing unfolds.


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
so sad :(

i think teachers should all have to be trained and carry . i dont know many kids that would bring a gun to school just because there teacher has one..

im going to tell myself the shooter was not right in the head and thought he was saving them from this world or something ( i think there was a csi episode like that or something) rather than thinking he just did it out of hate and anger.. probably screwed up for me to tell myself that but its less scary then thinking someone would kill kids just because he's mad at the world


lets look at places where guns have been banned, did it stop tragedies? no. it caused crazy people to just go to the next level
i.e. Oklahoma city, federal building, guns not allowed, so rather than walk in a shoot up the place timothy mcveigh leveled the place.
or airplanes, gun free? yes. did it stop terrorists? nope, they took down 2 of the tallest structures in the world, and seriously damaged the pentagon.....without guns

i think that we should not tighten restrictions on guns. even if to the point that we outlaw them, it will just be taken to the next level, the psychos out there will just bomb schools with home-made bombs instead like mcveigh

or hi-jack a school bus like al-qaida hijacked planes and use the entire thing as a weapon itself

(remember that school bus full of kids kidnapped and buried alive years ago?)