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    • Houndoc
      Houndoc reacted to TurboMinivan's post in the thread Write me a haiku with Haha Haha.
      Traffic haiku: Blink, blink, blink. blink, blink Blink, blink, blink. blink, blink, blink, blink. Someday you'll turn left.
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc reacted to mbryson's post in the thread Your Pic of The Day with Like Like.
      The lines holding those ships in place are no joke. Modern art
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc reacted to mbryson's post in the thread Your Pic of The Day with Like Like.
      Another book down. I've read the Miller Hole in the rock book, another "Guide to Hole in the Rock", The Moab Story and just now finished...
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc replied to the thread Political So now what.
      I am not going to get into the did he or did he not do a Nazi Salute debate (a loose-loose proposition), but if you watch the video with...
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc reacted to Cody's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
      When you were talking about how chlorine/chlorine dioxide (or any of the chlorine/ammonia derived chloramines) that should be used to...
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc reacted to Cody's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
      Ahhh, the sex education enigma. If you ignore it, then it will go away. Oddly the only thing that has ever proven effective at reducing...
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc reacted to Pike2350's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
      The other part to this that I believe a lot of conservative's ignore is what I call "practical reality" It's kind of like sex...
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc reacted to Cody's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
      My close to home example is hop prices for brewing. The world's largest growing region for hops is Yakima Valley Washington. I was up...
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc reacted to Cody's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
      ....recession.....which results in something....but what was it? Oh ya! Inflation lol. I think this is the hope, that after some...
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc replied to the thread 1995 LC HZJ 75 Safari Truck.
      Over the noisy diesel, lack of weather stripping and general rattles, hard to say.
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc reacted to cruiseroutfit's post in the thread 1995 LC HZJ 75 Safari Truck with Haha Haha.
      Damn, that progressed quickly :eek:
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc reacted to Cody's post in the thread Political So now what with Like Like.
      I know I swore I was done.... You know the old adage, "cheap, fast, good. Pick 2"? The American consumer wants all three. The...
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc replied to the thread Political So now what.
      The net effect on the economy is summed up in the first statement. Tariffs raise the cost of imported goods, thus leaving consumers...
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc reacted to SoopaHick's post in the thread Write me a haiku with Like Like.
      I come here for Jeeps Instead I find Poetry Where are all the jeeps?
    • Houndoc
      Houndoc reacted to Stephen's post in the thread Write me a haiku with Like Like.
      I have been trying To write a haiku for you Some things I just can't do
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