5 mile rattles and constricts


Active Member
so Dempsey gave me call and we took a friend of his up to 5 mile this afternoon so he could "see" what us jku could do. after he found his limits he hopped in with Dempsey... we went and did constrictor. (just saying my cherokee has 3.5 inch lift on 32x1150 BFGs open diffs) I was able to follow Dempsey the whole way to the eagles nest. boo yeah! hope I get the pics soon.


Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
Yeah, everything just clicked on this run. It was awesome.

The purpose of the trip was to take my co-worker on his first 4WD excursion ever. He has owned 4WD pickups (and now owns one), and he recently purchased an all-stock '07 JKU X. Still, he has never done anything more than a graded gravel road and he's never engaged 4LO in his life. I decided it was time to change that.

We headed in and ran Rattlesnake. I was the leader and Ryan was the tailgunner. Whenever we'd hit any sort of obstacle, I'd drive through it, hop out, run back to give Craig some instruction, then guide him through it. Since he had absolutely NO experience, we went over lots of basic info--where to place tires and why, the proper way to climb and descend hills, when and why to use LO verses HI, when and why to use a locker, and much more.

After Rattlesnake, we headed in to Constrictor. We knew there was no way his JK was gonna run this trail, so he parked at the start and hopped in with me. As you guys could guess, this is where is got really fun for me. We approached that first rocky ledge and Craig says, "are you going up that?" I chuckled and replied in the affirmative, and he was amazed when I went right up it without trouble. That set the pace for the rest of the trail. Even at Radiator Rapids, I simply drove up to it, turned left, and went right up without even losing any momentum. I pointed out to Craig that I just made that look very easy, explaining that sometimes people will struggle there for 10 or 20 minutes before getting up it. We were then thrilled when Ryan pulled up, did a 3-point turn maneuver to line up at it head-on, and then drove right up with hardly a slip of a tire. Considering he is open/open, I was very impressed--he did an awesome job.

All along, we had been talking about Eagle's Nest and how we wanted Craig to see it. I pulled right up to it and parked. Needless to say, he was flabbergasted just thinking that a Jeep could climb up it. I explained the winch technique, and I had him walk up to see the anchor point so it would all be clear. He thought that was a pretty neat trick and was impressed that us loopy four wheelers would go through the effort of sinking that anchor.

After a short break to chat, we walked back down the nest and headed out. All in all, it was a really nice little trip.


Well-Known Member
It's crazy how one vehicle with just the right line and open/open can make it up so easy but yet a locked/locked rig could struggle by just taking the wrong line by a matter of inches. Radiator rapids gave each person a hard time last time I was out there, time before that we all went right up, different rigs except a couple but still. Nicely done introducing him to some off roading. Did you attempt that section on rattlesnake that bent your drag link last time to get revenge?