90,000 acre land grab by BLM


Boise, Idaho

Apparently, the BLM plans to take advantage of a border dispute between Texas and Oklahoma to claim 90,000 acres of river-bottom land. I'm not sure I fully understand the issue, but it appears that the river between the 2 states has moved north quite a bit since drawn by the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. This would have been the border between Mexico (now Texas) and French colonial lands (now Oklahoma). The Feds claim Texas has no right to effectively deed the "new" land south of the river to private property owners. Since Oklahoma never deeded the land to anyone (it would have been underwater at the time of statehood), the land defaults to the BLM which has authority over land never bought by individuals/states or turned into federal parkland or made into a military base. Now, that's creative thinking!

Does this and the Bundy Range War predict a massive land grab in the lame duck months after the 2016 presidential elections? Remember Clinton's Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument?



Northern Utah
I think you have only seen the start of what the lame duck administration is going to try and pull

No kidding. See:

Federal Register
21 April 2014
Proposed Rules
Definition of “Waters of the United States” Under the Clean Water Act

Seems pretty simple... just a definition change. But this would be a huge change that gives the Federal Government much more control and power.