Anouther stinking surgery

So I saw the podiatrist today and I am scheduled to have my ankle worked on on the 2nd. I have had 2 surgeries on my foot and now I get one on the ankle yippee. The plan is to scope the ankle to take all of the bursitis out and then he will lengthen my achilles tendon. I am looking at to 4 months recovery on this one again yippee. All I can say is thank God for Tricare


Active Member
Man that sucks bad.. I had the army do surgery with my achilies for bone spurs and I have not ever gotten back 100%. It was six months no walking and sucked big time. I had a private doctor operate on my other foot and he lengthened my achilies by taking a wadge out of my heel and then ran two screws throught he heel. This was much less evasive than the first surgury and I was back on my feel walking a month later and have less problems now with it.

Anyways good luck with the surgury and i hope recovery is shorter than expected.


I like traffic lights
Down Or'm
I was having ankle problems and the podiatrist went straight to "we should do surgery!" without even suggesting physical therapy. I got a second opinion from an orthopedic surgeon and he said I don't need surgery, and especially not the kind the pod recommended. Two weeks of PT and I'm almost as good as new. No surgery for me!

So I had the surgery yesterday got to the surgical center and at 0630 and they did all paperwork not much fun but hey it has to be done. Then they stuck me with the IV and let me sit for a while. Then they hit me with some Versed and I don’t remember much after that... The Doc. called me a few hours ago to check on me and see what my pain level was and if I needed any boost in pain meds. He told me that he now understood why I was having so much pain in the ankle. Apparently it took a lot of work to get all the bursitis out. He said something like your ankle was in horrible shape. hopefully this resolves the issues...

oh if anyone wants a beer brewed I have all the time I need now just let me know and we can work something out...