Atwood Wedgewood three burner propane cooktop, black


uıɐƃɐ ʇɐɥʇ op ʇ,uoʍ ı
Bountiful, UT

Reviews for one on Amazon:

We used it for a few trips in our bus, and its been boxed up since selling the bus. $50 obo, located in Bountiful, UT. Unsure what shipping would cost, but I can package it up well enough. It worked flawlessly, but it is too large for the van we use now, and this is the first time I even unpacked it since moving here a few years ago. Clearly we are not going to use it, and we are even considering downsizing our adventure van to something smaller (an NV) so we will have even less room.

No problem meeting in SLC area, or areas beyond if we have a trip going out there anyway.

801 200 2513 is probably the best way to reach me, text or call.
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