Auto Alarms - Good? Bad?


Official Cutie Pie
Ogden, UT
StrobeNGH said:
O k a y . . .

If someone wants to put an alarm on their car . . . more power to 'em.

Refer to the post about a string and bell is enough to stop the stupid theives.

What we was orignally talking about is audible alarms are in most cases useless and annoying because people don't respond to them. Then I made the comment that I don't lock mine, don't even have a lock that works on the driver's door, and I've never had a problem in 12 years living in Ogden (of all places). Anti starting devices are a totally different story, and I have one installed. If you want to stop your ride from being stolen that is the best method, not an audible alarm.


Registered User
I have owned 5 Jeep wranglers. I have had only one alarm. The one I had a high end stereo system and top of line alarm with motion/proximity sensor. It worked well nothing was ever stolen. I moved to SLC's red light district for a while. The first night I lived there it was 3 am and I was sound a sleep just 10 feet from my jeep that was parked under a large light and out of site off the street behind my house. The alarm goes off. I get up and run out with my gun... nothing. The next night same thing. The third night same thing but this time I caught the burglar. It was a fat Siamese cat sitting in the front seat. Mostly it was just a pita. It would go off in the wind. The weather would change the sensitivity and its zone would grow or shrink based upon temperature.

I have had stuff stolen out of my jeeps but mostly it was just petty crimes of opportunity. Clothes left on the seat... Screw drivers, wrenches etc and some used tennis shoes. I even had $20 in change stolen. I usually n just keep my car open with nothing of value in it. It is well insured and I have a nice security trunk for the really valuables that occasionally need to be in the car.

This seems to work for me but I must admit I have only been a victim of crime in Utah.. Not 20 years I spent in CA, or 2 years in Boston, or 5 years in the Carolinas.


Well-Known Member
they also have alarms that when it goes off it sends a signal to your keyless entry device so you know when it is going off (back of wallmart!!!) But im really not sure on the range : )


My own epidemic!
Salt Lake City
I can honestly say I feel safer with my jeep having an alarm... when it works.... I have always been to nervous to go out in the dark night by myself when it goes off sometimes though... I've heard they have snazzy little alarms that even tell you where your car alarm was triggered, so you'd know where to look for damage. I'd say it's well worth the money to have an alarm and not be out the money. (My last repair after a theft ran me over $1500 and they didn't get anything worth over $250)


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
My truck was broken into ONCE: in front of a police station in Charlotte NC. The Arboretum shopping center.

No alarms here, there's nothing to steal and all my junk is busted-looking on purpose. Work trucks that is. eh.