Auto transport

U can try

Two big carriers I've used are Passport (Fedex) and Reliable Carriers. Both are good, but a little expensive. is probably your best bet unless you can find someone local.


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East Stabbington
I ended up using an online broker service to find a truck. You'll get a better deal if you can go straight to the driver but who knows when/where they are at any given time.


Fight Till You Die
I can hook you up. I have access to the largest auto transporting dispatch service. You call any transport company they will just post it on there for someone to pick up that is heading down there and charge you extra. Pm me your info and I can get it shipped for you. There is only one other car posted for now(changes all the time) and the rate for it is $415, Just to give you an idea of what some are shipping for.
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Active Member
My company hauls for the oil companies. But if I have down time I bet i could with 54Ft flat bed. i will PM you with a quote and if you like it I could do it. I may have to find a small load to offset your cost so you do not have to pay the $145Hr cost.