Bad Ass For Me!!! :-)


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East Stabbington
I can hear Olli yelling at us right now.

Not because he's so mad, but because he has the most amazing ratio of volume to physical size on the planet. he has more decibals per cubic ounce than any other carbon based life form.



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Supporting Member
East Stabbington
ohh, so gropey olli came back.

where is the little punk. He's not as much fun to make fun of when he's not here.


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Supporting Member
East Stabbington
looks like he's scheduled to beat up another kid from Idaho this week....Frank Watts? isn't that the guys name in Bloodsport?


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Supporting Member
East Stabbington
chicks and money. right. although Ollie does pull tail at the mall from all the fight groupies.

some people like to be competitive and this is probably the ultimate form of competition. To see if you can beat someone's ass. It's actually a very respectful sport and you'd be surprised at the level of education and class most fighters have. some of the best fighters in the world are college educated and came from respectable careers. Just not ollie. lol

I'm pretty sure he's going to punch my kneecaps next time he sees me for talking trash.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Help me understand, aside from the chicks and money (maybe that is enough) why do this?

Because it's a ton of fun to beat on and get beat on. Endorphin rush! and there is nothing like going mano-a-mano and winning. Hell, losing is fun too.

There are a lot of people not wired right, who enjoy this. It's fun to watch, as well. Yep.