Body Fat Plunge Test facilities?


Formerly "Beerman"
Hey all. I am looking for a place that can do an underwater body fat % test, also known as a plunge test. I have lost 132 pounds to date and I want to know how much more I can realistically lose before I have cosmetic surgery to remove my excess skin. The body caliper tests and body resistance tests with oem meters arent accurate enough to tell me my true BF%. I want to be at or near 12% before I pay out the ass for this procedure!:eek:

I tried googling, dex, etc. and cant seem to find anything.

Any help is appreciated.



Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
East Stabbington
I used this fancy search utility called "google", and about 18 seconds of time.

You know, you get pretty crafty at finding information online when you spend all of your money on 4 wheelin instead of books in college ;)

Did you do all of the weight loss naturally just with diet and exercise or did you have that bypass surgery?
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Formerly "Beerman"
Well, Cody I dont know what to say, I am a dumb searcher.

I lost every pound naturally through good ol' fashioned diet & exercise, and a ton of research.

I found out my BMR, and my maintenance caloric intake, cut it by 1000 calories a day. I go to the gym for 1-2 hours at least 4 days a week. I have a caloric refeed day once a week, and a cheat day every 3 weeks or so.

To give you the numbers, I eat 1500 calories between 6 meals on non-gym days, and 1800-2000 calories between 7 meals on gym days. My macros are 60-20-20 which means 60% protein, 20% carbs, and 20% fat. I eat roughly 250-350 grams of protein a day. I eat extremely clean, no HFCS, or simple sugars, or junk. My carbs are a mix of simple to complex based on the time of day or "carb timing". My fat intake is natural from foods like fish, chicken, eggs, etc.

As far as exercise goes: I do resistance (weights) exercises on a focused group (Arms, Shoulders/back, Legs, Core,) for about 30-45 minutes, then I immediatley do a LISS cardio session on an incline treadmill or gauntlet machine for 45-90 minutes at double my resting heart rate the entire time (124 bpm).
I always have proper PWO nutrition like a 50 gram protein shake and a banana to properly replenish glycogen, spent protein, and BCAA's etc. in the liver and muscles.

I weigh, and monitor every calorie I eat. I input everything into a journal at so I have day to day, week to week, and month to month tracking of everything I do.

If you cant tell, I take it very seriously, which is why I have had serious results.

Oh and Cody, thank you again for the nice comments.

About the pictures, I will post before and after on or near 9/16 which is my 1 year diet anniversary and my 31st birthday. I literally got on the scale on my 30th birthday, saw 370, and said enough is enough. The only thing I wish I did differently is taken before pics, and measurements. All I have is random pictures of me fishing, wheeling, etc. I dont have any proper "poses" to show off how fat I was. I will try and find some good fat pics to use though.
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Supporting Member
East Stabbington
I was feeling pretty good about getting down to 185 this morning. I was 202 in January. I suck compared to you.

185 has been the threshold I've had a really hard time breaking. If I could get down to 180 I'd be pretty happy and I think I could maintain my weight now that I know a little bit more about nutrition and the need to stay active. I used to eat whatever i wanted and got pretty passive about exercise for a couple years, and I went from 165 to 205 in about a year.

I think eating breakfast every day and cutting out almost all fried food and late-night drunk eating has hepled me the most.

You deffinately did your research and have a ton of self control. Big time credit is in order for you. We should have a party when you get down to your goal weight.
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somewhat damaged
That's simply impressive. :cool:

I'm similar to Cody... I felt the best when I was at 180 a few years ago, now I float around 203 - 208. I only know what it's like to lose 20lbs, it must feel extremely good to lose 132! Good on you man.


Formerly "Beerman"
I appreciate the kind words, but keep in mind I wish I was only 210 and had to lose 20. If you saw me today without seeing me 10.5 months ago you would probably think I am a lard ass. 238 is still big, and that is why I am staying dedicated.

I really like all the nice comments, but believe it or not I still get the sh*t eye from people all the time. I hope I can make it to a day where I am not referred to as "heavy set" or "A big guy". I really want to have those days behind me.


Registered User
Arm Utah
Big congratulations on the progress to date. Keep up the good work. I went and got fitted for a tux for my son's wedding last night, and haven't felt that large ever. I'm going to use your story for motivation to get off my fat a$$ and do what I need to do.