1. Check bumpers to make sure that they meet OEM Specifications in
vertical height, and are centered on the vehicle's centerline. Bumpers must
be connected securely to the vehicle frame, and extend the entire width of
the vehicle wheel track.
a. REJECT when:
1) Bumpers are not 4.5 inches in vertical height.
2) Bumpers do not extend to the entire width of original body
wheel track.
3) Bumpers are missing, improperly attached, broken, or have
portions protruding which create a hazard.
4) Bumpers are not made from a material that is strong
enough to effectively transfer impact.
*NOTE: Pickup trucks are designed and manufactured for a rear bumper with OEM
standards. However, pick up trucks can be sold and may be purchased
without a rear bumper. The vehicle owner has the responsibility for
compliance with Utah law (41-6a-1632 UCA) when the vehicle is operated
on Utah roads.
*NOTE: Roll pans are not bumpers. Roll pans are only acceptable when a material is
concealed behind the roll pan that meets the strength, vertical height, and
securing requirements of a rear bumper. This material must extend the
width of the wheel track and meet the requirements of a rear bumper.
Here's the link:
http://safetyinspections.utah.gov/pdf/2006 SI PLT Manual 2006 (1).pdf
I haven't measured one yet but based on what I have seen I doubt, say a Hansen Enterprise Bumper, could pass the 4.5" requirement. This is why I design and build my own.