Cell phones for your kids........(advice needed)


North Ogden, UT
I'm in need of a new phone and have been to Verizon shopping for phones and plans. My 10 year old daughter is wanting her own cell phone. I'm thinking she's a little too young.

What age did you get your kids a cell phone? What age is too young?

Curious as to what other RME parents have done in my situation.



Well-Known Member
I find it ridiculous that any kid under ~16 has a cell phone. I don't care what the excuse is, the fact of the matter is that we all survived just fine without having cell phones. IMO, kids don't need a phone while in school either, if they have them it's just going to be a distraction.


Provo, Utah.
My wife is a fourth grade teacher, she caught one of her students "sexting" a student in another class. The question all relies on if she can handle the responsibility. My niece(11) has one and it just goes with her to friends houses and to parties, she is not allowed to just have it. Her 18 year old sister is worse with a phone, lost it twice this year and washed it last week.


North Ogden, UT
I find it ridiculous that any kid under ~16 has a cell phone.
That's where I'm at.

My wife is a fourth grade teacher, she caught one of her students "sexting" a student in another class. The question all relies on if she can handle the responsibility. My niece(11) has one and it just goes with her to friends houses and to parties, she is not allowed to just have it. Her 18 year old sister is worse with a phone, lost it twice this year and washed it last week.
There will be heavy restrictions on her use. I'm an older parent to younger children and my view on things I think are a little bit different than maybe a younger parent.

SubLime Time

A Study in Black & Green
Northern Utah
I got my son a cell phone when he was in 7th grade. He had a lot of after school activities and I needed to know where he was and who he was with. I didn't get a texting package at that time, so there wasn't a problem with that. His school had a policy of no cell phones in class and would take them away if they caught the kids using them, that was a deterrent to using them in school because the parent had to go in and get it. I hope this helps!


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Our 7th grader has one. I hated the idea (much like Caleb), but it's really been quite convenient for ME to get in touch with him. He's a good kid and watches his siblings sometimes while they're over playing in an adjacent neighborhood. We've taken it away a couple of times due to disciplinary issues and that's been the ultimate motivator vs. a lot of other things.

Our 10 yr. old does NOT and will not have one until 7th grade and we'll see how that goes with him. Our schools don't allow cell phones in classes. We do manage texts and can review calls and whatnot online through ATT.


Registered User
west jordan Utah
after 2 kids and cell phones.
just turn off anything extra.
one kid got a game and ran his bill over 400 like 6 kears ago.
the last one at home when at EJS talk to his freinds anll day and ran the family plan over the minutes by $325.
like i said make all options off and password acount so only you can change it.
would be great if the would shut it down at say like 10 and on at 7.
if over the time ore text msg limit the same shut it down.
good luck.
conveyence has been good.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
.....would be great if the would shut it down at say like 10 and on at 7......

I neglected to mention that in my above. Good point. The ATT web setup software let's the parents select the available use time. We've not allowed it to be used during school hours and after 10 pm. I'd assume other wireless vendors have similar tools?


Registered User
I’m a single parent of a 15 year old girl. I have the right to go into her phone whenever I want. One of the things you have to look at is your trust level. I trust my daughter. My son at that age I didn’t leave him at home alone for an evening, I don’t think I would now either and he’s 23.
My daughter has had a phone for 1 ½ years now. She has had 2 issues with miss use of it. I didn’t like the idea of her getting one to start with but now it is something that is relied upon. With all the crazies out there, I feel safer with her walking to her friend’s houses, riding her horse, and everything else. I have 2 jobs and I can get a hold of her any time. She lets me know where she is and what is going on all the time.
My oldest did not get a phone until she was 16. Now we did get her own house line when she was 13. My yougest (10) keeps asking for a phone. We might get her a cell phone when she turns 13. We also have AT&T and they have a thing where you can track where they are at. Not trying to spy on here just want to make sure she would be safe.


2019 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon
Herriman, UT
I have a 16 year old and a 14 (soon to be 15) year old. Both girls. Now that you can drive when you are 15 with a permit that is when we decided. When the oldest turned 15 and started to drive we got them for both of them. I personally would have waited till they turned 16 and could drive alone but they live with their Mom so it was her call. I have to admit it's nice being able to talk to either one of them whenever I want. I'm even learning to text. But my situation is different then most since they live over an hour from me :(. My ex says she just loves being able to check up on them and get a hold of them at anytime. I know some phones even have gps trackers for the adults to see where their kids go. Wished I had that a couple times with them :D. I never ever snuck around when I was that age :rofl:.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
OK, I admit it I am from another generation but this talk about phones is rediculous. I told my kids that when they were old enough to work and pay for it they could get what they wanted. Car, Insurance, phone (House or cell), wild clothes etc. I furnished food, shelter, clothing and LOVE. I think you guys are raising a bunch of mambe pambe the world owes me everything instant gratification children that will never be able to survive on their own. It will be interesting to see how they handle the real world.


North Ogden, UT
OK, I admit it I am from another generation
I think you guys are raising a bunch of mambe pambe the world owes me everything instant gratification children that will never be able to survive on their own.
Well seeing how I'm really old enough to be my own children's grand parent, I too am from a different generation....and you couldn't be more wrong on how I'm raising my kids.

But thanks for your input!!!


Well-Known Member
Enoch, UT
OK, I admit it I am from another generation but this talk about phones is rediculous. I told my kids that when they were old enough to work and pay for it they could get what they wanted. Car, Insurance, phone (House or cell), wild clothes etc. I furnished food, shelter, clothing and LOVE. I think you guys are raising a bunch of mambe pambe the world owes me everything instant gratification children that will never be able to survive on their own. It will be interesting to see how they handle the real world.

:rofl: Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel! I guess its a lot like Religion, we need to convince everyone to think and believe like/what we do.

My daughters each have a phone, camera, computer. (age 10, 12, 13) They can also clean a fish, gut a deer(mostly), shoot out to 100 yards and make a fire with flint. I'm not sure having a phone makes you mambe pambe whatever that means.:D (They can all spell and punctuate better than me ;))


Well-Known Member
Payson, AZ
: popcorn : :)

This could get fun! :rofl:

On topic, I am in favor of kids having cell phones.............that they pay for. Admittedly, I have a few years before my kids can use a cell phone let alone own one so my opinion may not be "valid." ;) I will likely get a family cell phone when the time comes that the kids can check out if they are going somewhere that would warrant having one.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
After reading a couple of replies and doing some soul searching I got to thinking, which is a nice thing to do. I remember reading a story about how the youth of the day were leading terrible lives and showed the decadence of the times and there was no help for the future. The story was taken from Egyptian hieroglyphics of about 500 BC. The reason I didn't give my kids things is that I didn't have the money or the things to give. I thank God that they turned out as well as they did. I hope my apology will be accepted.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I bought my first cell phone when I was between 16 and 17.

I don't have any kids but I would have to say that somewhere around Jr. High age would be about right, with provisions. The usage control feature is a great idea. Sometimes I wish I could put that on my mom's phone.
Depends on the kid. It's more about convenience for my wife and I than for the kids...but they like having the phones too. Oh...we have unlimited texts and shared minutes.

My 19yo got his when he was in 9th grade and wrestling for the high school. He's lost it and replaced it (with his own money) more times than I can count.

My 13yo got his when he was 11, could have handled it when he was 4, that's just the kind of kid he is.

My 11yo got his when he turned 11...which was about the right time for him.

My 7yo wants one along with a driver's license and a car, but he'll have to wait. He did save his money to buy a dirt bike last winter though, so he could probably handle it.

No issues thus far with school...that we know of...but we do ask the teachers about it.