congrats to marc


formerly "rckcrlr"
Pics coming soon....Just ran home to shower etc.
Mom and baby are doing GREAT.
Keeley Grace Milner born 5:30 10/17/07 exactly 4lbs and 16 inches. She came at 33 weeks!! Breathing on her own from the first moment. O2 has stayed 100% since!! Next hurdle is getting her to eat and enough wieght to stay warm on her own. She is doing GREAT!! Hopefully she will get to come home in a couple weeks. (in th NICU for now)

This all started with PIH (high blood pressure for Ang. As her pressure went up, the baby became less reactive, so the decided to induce labor for the health of Angie and Keeley. The magnesium was to lower Angie's blood pressure, but she still was 160ish over 100ish! Then they gave here 2 other drugs to induce labor....after 24 hrs she was only dialated 1cm. Doc said c-section, we said OK! If they let it go too long the O2 to the baby could have been compromised and it could have damaged Angies kidneys and liver. But it all turned out good in the end!!


formerly "rckcrlr"


