Deron Williams traded


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Arm Utah
Did you hear D Will just got traded? I'm torn, the guy is amazing, but he sure caused a lot of grief.


Suddenly Enthusiastic
He was going to leave once he became a free agent anyway. We can't afford to pay him what he's worth. By trading him now we got a couple first round draft picks. Maybe we can pick up Jimmer! :D The real question is going to be whether Ty Corbin can develop rookie players like Sloan could.


Well-Known Member
Sucks they weren't going to be able to keep him. But, since they weren't, probably weren't going to get another chance at near full value. This is a better deal than Denver got for Melo, without the season of drama, never mind how things worked out for Cleveland and Toronto when they're stars opted out.

Now if they could flip Favors and AK for Monroe... If they're gonna blow it up, might as well go all the way. Fav, AK, Bell, Price and Fes for Rip, Tay, Monroe and a Detroits top 3 protected in 2012. Numbers do work. But, not likely to happen. If it did, KOC for Exec of the year...



I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
My sports guy just told me that there is a rumor floating around on espn that the Jazz are looking to trade Milsaps and Kirelanko also.......if it is true, so much for that Milsaps jersey I have also.


A.F. UT.
Im torn! D-will had skills, but he sounded like he wanted to leave.
I just hope that they can get things turned around, I dont want to see the wheels fall of the cart!


Well-Known Member
My sports guy just told me that there is a rumor floating around on espn that the Jazz are looking to trade Milsaps and Kirelanko also.......if it is true, so much for that Milsaps jersey I have also.

I've got an autographed DWill jersey I'll trade ya straight up for that Milsap :D.



Registered User
Arm Utah
I'd hate to see Millsap go. Kirelanko has been on the trading block for years. I'll believe it when I see it. Would love to see a BIG guy come in.


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Now if they could flip Favors and AK for Monroe... If they're gonna blow it up, might as well go all the way. Fav, AK, Bell, Price and Fes for Rip, Tay, Monroe and a Detroits top 3 protected in 2012. Numbers do work. But, not likely to happen. If it did, KOC for Exec of the year...


Why would you trade Favors for Monroe? Favors in 2 years will be 2x's the player Monroe will ever be. Favors has the rare blend of size and athleticism that is only seen in guys like Amare and Dwight Howard.

I think in the end we are better off trading a top 2 PG to get a top 10 PG, a couple lottery picks, a 6'10" 240 lb 19 year old with ridiculous upside, and about 8 million dollars in savings. All of those assets are worth way more than one more season with Williams and watching him bolt with nothing in return.

We weren't going anywhere this year anyway, so might as well stockpile assets for the next season or two and go from there. If we can use a couple picks and/or assets to pick up Kyrie Irving in the draft, that would be sweet.

...and the next person that thinks the Jazz need a smaller, less athletic, less proven version of JJ Redick in Jimmer is going to make me freak out.


Well-Known Member
Why would you trade Favors for Monroe? ... Favors has the rare blend of size and athleticism that is only seen in guys like Amare and Dwight Howard.

Couple of reasons.

For one, Favors comes in at $8.5M this year and next, with even more expensive team options for the remaining two years of his contract. Monroe would come in at $3M with no options to pay for in the final years.

And because Favors is the youngest player in the league and all he has to offer in the near term is "potential". Yeah, if he reaches that potential, he's off the charts and the Jazz will be thrilled to have him. But, by then, he's also about to leave the Jazz... How many guys that comes into the league with the kind of "potential" Favors has, actually ever amount to more than role players? The vast majority don't ever pan out as hoped. I'm not making predictions on Favors one way or the other, as far as down the road - he could easily be the one in ten that actually plays up to his potential. But for the near term/remainder of his current contract? For the rest of this season and next, he's an $8M a year pure project, playing limited minutes. If he's ever going to get good, he'll be starting to come around and play some real minutes in two years. But, then if he really pans out he'll be in his contract year in three years and likely be traded away just like DWill just was - unless the Jazz can lock him up with a long term deal. Which, might actually be possible under terms of the upcoming new CBA? But that's a lot of money for a project in the near term and a lot of "what if" down the road.

Monroe's game is more established and almost purpose built for the Jazz system. He could come in and be productive and contribute meaningful minutes immediately. For less than half the money. He does NOT have the athleticism and upside Favors has, no doubt. But, he's a pretty big money saver right away and he's going to be able to play more meaningful minutes right away. Just a lot less money for more immediate results.

Long term, if Favors turns out to be all that, and if the Jazz could keep Favors around long enough to enjoy it, well, if I knew those things were going to come true, then hell yeah, keep Favors!

All pretty meaningless though, really, as I think it extremely unlikely that the type of trade I proposed will actually happen.

And even if Favors only turns out to be a solid role player, Al, 'Sap and Fav is a top 10 front court and top 5 rotation in the league. If the Jazz can afford to keep all three of them.

I think in the end we are better off trading a top 2 PG to get a top 10 PG, a couple lottery picks, a 6'10" 240 lb 19 year old with ridiculous upside, and about 8 million dollars in savings. All of those assets are worth way more than one more season with Williams and watching him bolt with nothing in return.

Totally agree. The Jazz got what Denver "wanted" for Melo. Only Melo wouldn't go to the Nets, so Denver "had" to take the Knicks deal. Realistically, I don't think the Jazz could have hoped for much better. Had they not taken this deal, they easily could have ended up like Clev, Tor or Phx, losing their top player for nothing.

...and the next person that thinks the Jazz need a smaller, less athletic, less proven version of JJ Redick in Jimmer is going to make me freak out.

Totally agree with that too. If the Jazz burn a top 15 pick on Jimmer, I'm cancelling my season tickets... I can kind of see taking him with a late first rounder though, as a business move if nothing else. And who knows, he might turn out to be the next Steve Kerr or something...



Registered User
Why would you trade Favors for Monroe? Favors in 2 years will be 2x's the player Monroe will ever be. Favors has the rare blend of size and athleticism that is only seen in guys like Amare and Dwight Howard.

I think in the end we are better off trading a top 2 PG to get a top 10 PG, a couple lottery picks, a 6'10" 240 lb 19 year old with ridiculous upside, and about 8 million dollars in savings. All of those assets are worth way more than one more season with Williams and watching him bolt with nothing in return.

We weren't going anywhere this year anyway, so might as well stockpile assets for the next season or two and go from there. If we can use a couple picks and/or assets to pick up Kyrie Irving in the draft, that would be sweet.

...and the next person that thinks the Jazz need a smaller, less athletic, less proven version of JJ Redick in Jimmer is going to make me freak out.

I agree with just about everything in this post, including the drafting of Kyrie Irving. The one thing that I don't like about this deal is it is full of "potential" the reason why it was sad to see Deron leave was because he was a proven player. The Jazz's roster is filled with lots of players who were filled with potential but have never proven themselves. They now potentially have three lottery picks in the next two years, this puts a lot of faith in Kevin O' Conner. Someone that I don't have a lot of faith in the draft currently. For example Gordon Hayward... I am still bitter that we drafted Raul Lopez over Tony Parker nearly a decade ago. In the last ten years the Jazz haven't drafted much of anything, we scored with Deron but at the time it was either him or Chris Paul, that's a tough call :rolleyes: Other than that who have we drafted? CJ Miles has been a nice roll player, and we scored big in the second round with Mathews and Millsap. I will give them credit for those guys but for all of those lucky guys we picked up I can name a lot who have been pure duds. Does anyone wonder why Fesenko is still around? I think this was a much needed move by the Jazz organization today and I do have optimism about Favors, but this deal is loaded with "potential" I am just hoping that potential turns into results.


Well-Known Member
...we scored big in the second round with Mathews and Millsap.

Actually, KOC screwed up massively with Mathews. He wasn't drafted in the second, he wasn't drafted at all, the Jazz signed him as an undrafted free agent. Which is why he ended up a restricted free agent after only one year which is why POR were able to front load an offer sheet for him that the Jazz couldn't match.

KOC has admitted that he knew he wanted to sign Matthews during the draft but he got fancy and outsmarted himself by letting him go undrafted. Had he simply drafted him in the second round, he could have tied him up for a three or four year deal at a bargain price and he would have been the two guard the Jazz have been desperately needing this year.

I give KOC a big F- for his handling of the Matthews deal...

I do agree, in general, in not having an awful lot of faith in KOC. But, I want to cut him SOME slack, too. His draft record isn't below average compared to other GM's in the league, really. Especially not when you consider he has only had one good pick to use in his whole tenure (which at least he didn't screw up - don't forget, ATL took Marvin Williams with both DWill and CP3 still on the board, holy jayzus...). I'm not thrilled with the Hayward pick either, but, then again, you really can't expect to get a ready to go impact guy at number 9 and history may yet prove that a decent pick (or, it may not...). And KOC has done pretty good, over all, with his trades. I liked the Korver trade when it happened. I liked the Jefferson trade when it happened. I even like this trade that has just gone down. I didn't like the Brewer or Maynor trades, but I did at least understand them. Don't get me wrong, I'm really NOT a KOC honk, but, I find it hard to be TOO critical, either.



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I agree, KOC actually has a decent track record for draft picks. Sure, he's missed some players in certain drafts, but so did a lot of other teams. Nobody knows when a boozer or arenas is going to spring out of the 2nd round, you can only use the info you have available to you. the Hayward pick was a tough one to deal with considering a few of the other people on the board, but I have to admit I do see his potential. He's very athletic for his size, and is a willing defender. A little more confidence and strength and he can turn into a pretty solid wing player.

We'll see about Monroe and Favors. Monroe had a monster game last night, and has been playing pretty well lately. Favors hasn't produced much, but he also didn't have anyone around him to take the pressure off of him. He can get away from an entire city's pressure of performing immediately like a #3 pick, and he can learn behind Milsap and Jefferson while playing 15-20 minutes per night. Now is the time we need to bring in Malone as an assistant to help develop these big guys a little more.