Disney buys Marvel


Mead, WA
I've purchased Marvel stock through the years, starting about 7 years ago at just over $5 a share. As of right now I own 400 shares.

The take over will give me $30 a share for the 400 I own and .75 shares of Disney. Which comes down to roughly $50 a share return - or ~$20,000. :greg: That's if I were to cash out now. I'll keep the ~300 share of Disney and let it ride and reinvest the ~$12,000 from the Marvel buy out.

Anyone else celebrating/saddened by the take over? I go both ways. To me it's a win because of the money I gained over a ~7 year holding, but it's a loss because I've hoped to keep buying and keeping their stock for many more years.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
I wonder how this impact Universal Studios. All the rides are a Marvel character theme and the parks do compete for tourist dollars. WDW>Universal.
I did make a few dollars in the stock market but it wasn't legal (back in 2000).
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Mead, WA
Your like the only one I know that has made money on the stock market. Good Job.

This was a shocker to me. Market sucks, I buy more. Market is high and I either hold or sell. If I sell, I hold the money until the market drops again and buy more.

Overall my portfolio is still up from the purchase price, even with the market being down. Some are doing well, some aren't. Dont' get me wrong, I have some that are down very high numbers. But I do have some that are way up. Sirius XM for one. I bought thousands of shares when they were pennies - what was it March? So when it goes up above a buck or two or three a share, I've really made a killing - even though it doesn't translate to a full retirment. But when you consider a stock going up 30-40 times what you paid, that's freakin' awesome! And I do think that at some point their stock will be up into the $30 range....That woudl be bitchin! Make $300,000 off of one stock pick. :greg:


Mead, WA
You must not know anyone who invests long term. Only one in a million with really poor luck losses money in the long run.

True dat.... No matter what the market does, I make money. Up or down. Gotta stay on top of it and diversify!!!!

And remember, the only way you can loose money is if you sell!! I own several stocks that have tanked, but I've kept them. I would loose more selling than I would holding them and there is always the chance they will come back.

These are companies that still have solid people in place and ethics, just did a bad deal and their stock plumeted and never recovered. Shuffle Master is one big one that I can think of.... I think I'm down like 80% on them, but I still think they will recover at somepoint. :ugh:


Formerly WJ ZUK
I bought shuffle master in my stock class in college and banked with fake money. :D


Mead, WA
I bought shuffle master in my stock class in college and banked with fake money. :D

I still think they are a good buy, especially for being so low right now. But I won't buy more. Last I checked, earlier this morning, I think they were up a few %... But they've been going up/down for a while now...