does your dentist do root canals?


total tacoma points: 162
or does he send you to an endodontist to have it done?

my mouth is killing me, so i go to the dentist to see what he can do about it. he gives me an exam, sets up a plan for the next 6 months and then tells me where to go to get a root canal. i have never had a root canal done, but always assumed that this procedure was done by the dentist. long story short, my mouth is still killing me and i have to wait 2 weeks for the root canal.:mad2:


Well-Known Member
i just barely got back from my dentist, and im heading to the endodontist as well. I could have gotten in tomorrow but have to wait untell next monday. If you want there # ill be more then happy to give it to you. I'm in alot of pain as well, I hate tooth aches :(


Duct Tape
Syracuse, Utah
I had a toothache recently, found out I needed a root canal, the dentist squeezed me in that day and got the root canal done. It was nice, cause I hate the dentist


Sandy, Ut
My dentist did mine... but I'll assume that like any medical professionals, there are some that specialize in different things, and some that specialize in more than others with the same "name". Its like asking your gynocologist to check out your ears... I know mine refused too ;)


The artist formerly known as Redrock5.9
Depends on the nature of the root canal, I suppose. I took a blow to one of a front tooth that resulted in the nerve dying years later. My dentist went about trying the root canal from the back but was unable to pull the nerve using the little hook. So he patched up the hole and sent me on my way to the endodontist for the fancy gum-filet root canal from underneath. It's probably best that your dentist referred you to a specialist rather than taking a stab at something he might not be so proficient at.


Well-Known Member
My dentist does root canals. Has TV screens on the ceilings for movies too, makes it nice for the 1 1/2 hr procedure or so


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
My dentist does root canals. Has TV screens on the ceilings for movies too, makes it nice for the 1 1/2 hr procedure or so

Same here. Kinda sucks that novocaine doesn't really work on me, but the TV takes the edge off the searing pain of having nerves ripped out. :eek:

Not a lot, but it helps. :D


You could try my dentist if you want. I'd imagine that he does what you're looking for too. Never had a complaint about his work. Last time I had work done (last week, don't skip on going for years!) he checked up on me that night to see if he needed to write a scrip for me for pain pills or any problems at all. Now, that's professional!

Dr Joseph Mirci
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Boise Idaho
My dentist did mine... but I'll assume that like any medical professionals, there are some that specialize in different things, and some that specialize in more than others with the same "name". Its like asking your gynocologist to check out your ears... I know mine refused too ;)

your gynocologist refused you? terrible:ugh:

I had a abscess the other day and had to see a specialist, referrred by my dentist. Somehow i was able to get rushed in the same day. Ya have to tell your dentist you are in extreme pain to get in someplace quick i bet...


total tacoma points: 162
well its done. my boss recomended a dentist. he was able to get me in today. nothing like a 3 hour root canal.:(

we discovered that, much like tacoma, i dont go numb. he would drill .5mm and shoot up the hole then waite a few minutes, drill another .5mm and shoot up the hole etc....

he had to drill 23.5mm. thank god all three roots in that tooth werent like that, just the one.

nothing like standing on your head with your mouth wedged open for three hours.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
You could try my dentist if you want. I'd imagine that he does what you're looking for too. Never had a complaint about his work. Last time I had work done (last week, don't skip on going for years!) he checked up on me that night to see if he needed to write a scrip for me for pain pills or any problems at all. Now, that's professional!

Dr Joseph Mirci

hmm. i went twice in 12 years. Although, now that I pay for insurance I go about once a year just so I don't feel wasteful.

The last few dentists have been amazed that I don't have any dental work done. I attribute it to my strict diet of bacon and beer.

....but to be honest this last time I had a 'minor' cavity that he said was more like the beginnings of what might become he used some crazy lazer to zap it and then filled it in. no numbing, no pain,no nothin. took about 10 minutes. technology kicks ass.


....but to be honest this last time I had a 'minor' cavity that he said was more like the beginnings of what might become he used some crazy lazer to zap it and then filled it in. no numbing, no pain,no nothin. took about 10 minutes. technology kicks ass.

Nice.....wish I'd only needed that. :eek: