Trip Report Expedition Utah's Overland Skills Camp 2023


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Fall is one of my favorite times of year and is a great time to hold events. A few of us at Expedition Utah got together and wanted to reboot OSC after taking 2022 off. We opted for a smaller, more intimate, scaled back version of what we've done in the past. Early feedback suggested it was a great success!

We started Friday on some private property in South Fork Canyon in Weber County. Berg and I arrived and started getting setup for the event. The plan was to do some pie iron cooking instruction for dinner, then hold a Trip Planning and Navigation class after dark.

Pie irons setup, fires going, and supplies ready for meal prep.

Classroom setup, ready for students to arrive and the sun to go down.

Berg chillin, waiting on participants to arrive.

The first participants arrived around 5pm and got camp setup. As more folks showed up, we gathered around the main area and chit chatted for a while until hunger set in and food started calling our names. We held a quick discussion on pie iron options, then broke out the food and started cooking.

Meatballs, Blintzes, Grilled Cheese, Fish Fillets, Pizza Rolls, and many other items were on the menu.

With full bellies and a desire to learn, we transitioned to the classroom. Expedition Utah has put on many classes over the years, but Trip Planning and Navigation has always been pretty popular. This was no exception with students engaged and attentive for over 2 hours of discussion.

After the class, many gathered around the campfire to warm up a bit before bed, while others retreated to the warmth of their sleeping bags. It was a wonderful night to hang by the fire and share stories and knowledge on many topics.

Saturday morning was nice and relaxed. @cruiseroutfit kicked off his Vehicle Recovery 101 class at 9 am. Sitting in the warmth of the sun, we had a phenomenal time diving into multiple recovery techniques, theories, gear, and math.

With the classroom part over, we dove into some hands on training. We setup a few scenarios, and concluded with a demonstration of a Spanish Burton.
With the classes completed, we ate a quick lunch and gathered for a driver's meeting before hitting the road for our trail ride. We cruised up to Ant Flat road where we paused on the dirt road to air down.

With comfortable PSI in the tires, we buzzed over to Hardware Ranch, and completed a 56 mile dirt track. The leaves were amazing, and the temps were darn near perfect!

We stopped about half way through for a group photo and to stretch our legs.

With a storm moving in, we husselled back to camp and got round 2 of Pie Iron dinners rolling. Saturday night was Pot Stickers, Egg Rolls, more meatballs, some pizza rolls, and a bunch of other offerings. I taught everyone one of my favorite dessert recipes, and Berg aptly named it the Wilford Brimley.

Around the campfire we discussed the highlights of the event and everyone's favorite parts. It was a great night!

Around 1:30am, the rain started. I am told it poured pretty good until about 5:00am, but I slept through it all. Sunday morning held no agenda, so folks awoke, broke camp, and departed for home. Overall, it was a fabulous way to spend a weekend!
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That's a pretty great event location. The owner was kind to allow the group to squat. :cool:

Did anyone show up with an aluminum pie iron? I still give my younger brother a hard time for buying one of those as a gift to my mom...
That's a pretty great event location. The owner was kind to allow the group to squat. :cool:

Did anyone show up with an aluminum pie iron? I still give my younger brother a hard time for buying one of those as a gift to my mom...

It's definitely a cool area! :cool:

No aluminum pie irons on this trip. Those were either Expedition Utah's, mine, or Berg's pie irons. All Rome cast iron.