expoMan & D.A.V.e

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
I spent the last two weekends at various locations in SE UT, some of them secret and some of them public. I thought that it would be cool to take vids of various things during the trip but unfortunately, I've learned that I can't embed videos on RME from Photbucket so there went that idea.

The trip was awesome and sometimes comical... would do it again, but I'm not sure how DAA spends so much time out there alone.

Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
or get a youtube accout and post it up there. "the man" already knows what you're up to, now we wanna know too. :D
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Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Smithfield Utah
Pics and vids are unnecessary when documenting an expo experience. For those that should already know it is clearly stated in the 'how do I expo' field edition article 3 section 8.



Who Dares Wins
Pics and vids are unnecessary when documenting an expo experience. For those that should already know it is clearly stated in the 'how do I expo' field edition article 3 section 8.


You must not have the revised 15th edition, where it clearly states in article 3, section 8, subsection D that "...you must maximize others feeling of inadequacy to your uber-exponess by posting ample pictures and video of you using your expo gear in 'remote' locales at any and all opportunities on the internet once returning from your expedition."

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
You must not have the revised 15th edition, where it clearly states in article 3, section 8, subsection D that "...you must maximize others feeling of inadequacy to your uber-exponess by posting ample pictures and video of you using your expo gear in 'remote' locales at any and all opportunities on the internet once returning from your expedition."



Who Dares Wins
Its true. Without proper documentation, its definitely questionable if this expo ever happened. The negative expo points are racking up the longer this goes without pictures or video.


Well-Known Member
I texted the video to Moody while I was on the trip he invited me to... so he has one of them on his iPhone.

So all we have to do is track down Moody's iPhone to see the report. Good thing you didn't post a link, that would have been far more inconvenient. :p