Fun movie: Fool's Gold

I was a big girl yesterday and did something I have NEVER done before: I went to a movie all by myself! Craziness, I tell you. I actually felt quite grown up. :) I watched Fool's Gold with Matthew McConaughey and it was a hoot! Fun story and did I mention that Matthew McConaughey was in it? YUMMY. :tara: It had some really funny parts and was just an enjoyable time. I will be taking my hubby to see it once it makes it to our town.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Did you take the sleigh? How did you find the movie theater in all that snow? :rofl:

Reviewers hate this movie. I thought it looked like a decent silly comedy. I would like to watch it.

Besides Mr. McConaughey, the lovely and delectable Kate Hudson is in it too. Win-win!


Well-Known Member
My Wife and I went and saw it last night and I will agree with what's been said. It was a fun movie, I never got bored in it, and it even makes ya think a little. :D


Active Member
Eagle Mountain
Reviewers hate this movie. I thought it looked like a decent silly comedy. I would like to watch it.

the review people are really bad nowadays. if they say a movie is good and give it 2 thumbs way up, usually most of the public doesnt like the movie and the opposite as well.