Fundraiser!!! for Canaan Mtn. Sept. 15th

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
Fundraiser for the Canaan Mountain defense fund.

Mt. Carmel Junction, Thunderbird Golf Course
Sept. 15th starting at 5:00 p.m.

Dutch Oven Dinner $10.00 additional donations appreciated.
Tom Woods truck will be there, buy tickets to win this truck.
Fundraiser drawing, great prizes, including a beautiful leather jacket.
White elephant auction, donate those parts you want to get rid of to a good cause.

Canyon Country 4x4 Club will be having their Fall Trail Ride in conjunction with this event.
Meet at the Hog Canyon staging area by 9:00 a.m.
Trails from 2 1/2 rating to 4

All proceeds from this event go towards the Canaan Mountain defense fund.