Good times up Millville and Providence Canyons (Cache Valley)


DD for Life
Southern Utah
Went wheelin' up Millville and Providence canyons two nights ago. Went up Millville and almost made it up THE GIANT RUT in my 60, but ended up breaking a motor mount instead... :( And the other two rigs with us couldn't even get up to the start of the rut... There was probably abuot 18 inches snow on the road. Headed down and went up Providence canyon. Made up on top of The Quarry but couldn't get much farther as it got SUPER steep and about 20-24 inches of snow or so and none of us had chains. Good times though. And I got to pull out a stuck Dodge Ram :D I have to say that I am loving my MT/R's. I was only close to stuck once and I managed to get out without a tug. Here's a few pics.



DD for Life
Southern Utah
mbryson said:
Hey..........I was up there with MY JEEP........

This is the only Jeep we saw up there. Full of 5 or 6 high school kids. Havin' the time of their lives. EDIT: I take that back. I'm pretty sure we passed a cherokee that was headed up when we were headed down...

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.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
theferg said:
This is the only Jeep we saw up there. Full of 5 or 6 high school kids. Havin' the time of their lives. EDIT: I take that back. I'm pretty sure we passed a cherokee that was headed up when we were headed down...


I'll be up again this Thursday & Friday........any more snow runs?

Floppy Hat

mbryson's hairdresser
Lehi, Ut.
I haven't been up to check them out yet, but this fall I found some places with some snow wheeling potential.

Does anyone know if Main Canyon (East of Wallsburg) is gated or used by sledders? I'm interested in the Wallsburg side as I know the top of Main Canyon sees it's fair share of sleds. Another potential area is the road South of Wallsburg that leads over to Hobble Creek Canyon. I'm hoping to go check these two out soon.


Well-Known Member
Highland Springs
theferg said:
Went wheelin' up Millville and Providence canyons two nights ago. Went up Millville and almost made it up THE GIANT RUT in my 60, but ended up breaking a motor mount instead... :( And the other two rigs with us couldn't even get up to the start of the rut... There was probably abuot 18 inches snow on the road. Headed down and went up Providence canyon. Made up on top of The Quarry but couldn't get much farther as it got SUPER steep and about 20-24 inches of snow or so and none of us had chains. Good times though. And I got to pull out a stuck Dodge Ram :D I have to say that I am loving my MT/R's. I was only close to stuck once and I managed to get out without a tug. Here's a few pics.

Cool fun, I dig Providence in any weather. We had a fun snow run up there about a month ago. BTW, how did you get up Millville? I thought the FS/DWR closed it a few months ago........??


DD for Life
Southern Utah
BTW, how did you get up Millville? I thought the FS/DWR closed it a few months ago........??

They just closed the deer fence. You just have to open it to go through and close it after yourself.
