Happy BroncoMama Day!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much everyone!! :D I had a most fabulous birthday. My amazing husband stayed up until 1:00 Sunday morning getting Lemon Joy put back together from her broken link mount escapade just so he could take me for a drive yesterday. I know, I love him...:chris: Anyhoo, we're quite fortunate because the road we live off of becomes a dirt road right past our turn off and goes way up into the mountains. So we loaded everyone up and headed up as far as the road was open and met up with a bunch of friends for a delicious Oscar the Grouch dinner. It was a beautiful sunny day and it felt soooo good to be outside! As the sun was setting, it was getting quite cold so everyone loaded up. Being the helpful people they are, our neighbors took our children in their vehicle in case we wanted to have some "romantic time". Of course I'm just laughing because obviously they've never driven anything with full hydro steering because there is NO time for hanky panky when you're in LJ. It's all about keeping her bad self on the road. It's all good though, I'm happy as a little clam all tucked into the girl and off we go. Talk about a beautiful drive home, the sun had set, but you could see the mountains in the moonlight. As we are are buzzing along talking about how great it is to be out suddenly the radio dies and all the lights get frighteningly dim. Hmmmm. Then we notice that the headlights are only shining about 5 feet in front of us. Chris tells me not to worry, if we can make it to the top of the next hill, we can coast most of the way home. Well, we made it to the top of the hill before the engine died, but we were NOT able to coast all the way home. My first thought is that no one is going to come looking for us since they all think we're having birthday fun in the woods! :rofl: That's okay, Chris left me and my poor shivering dog out in the wilds and ran home for my truck and after jumping LJ, we did make it home safe and sound. And that was my 31st birthday!


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
Happy birthday darling!