Help! Tj brake light wiring


Registered User
I have a short in my brake/turn light. all three brakes lights work when i apply the brake but when i turn the right blinker on it flashes all three.

If i turn my lights on it only flashes the third brake light and the right brake light. But when i put the left blinker on everything works just fine! ugggh! any help! ideas!?!?


Registered User
Arm Utah
Could be a bad ground, and the light is trying to ground back through the brake light. Those wires are fairly easy to look at. Check the wires where they come out by the gas tank and go up to the light. You might want to pull that right tail light to see if there's anything suspicious there.

Mine does something similar, but its on the left side. After some research I know it's the turn signal switch. I just ordered a new one.


Registered User
thanks for the advice... sorry for the lack of google was late. i was frustrated. normally im pretty good at that.

My new question/clarification is i was trying to set it up with an led third brake light. I put the stock one back on and it works just fine.

Apparently there is a relay type thing that you put in series with the led light that will block the surging voltage when the blinker is on? Is that the right path to make it work with the led? Id like to use it as its much cleaner look and stock one doesnt fit with my 35/home built tire carrier. I do have led brake lights as well fyi