How lazy can you really get.

Green Leader

Active Member
Riverton, UT
So I have seen what Meat has said about being lazy and others on here as well. I think this has those beat.

I got home yesterday started to do some work in the garage on the jeep when I notice the stupidest thing I have ever seen. :wtf:Strait out from my driveway is a small street that is a dead end. In the dead end I see a Riverton City pickup driving around all weird like. So I am curious and watch for a bit. The guy in the truck is going up on the curbs, driving weird lines in and out of the driveways of the houses down there, swerving slowly :confused: and I notice the guy is marking the ground with a paint can on those long paint sticks. :rolleyes: Now really how hard would it be to pull up the house get out and quickly walk off the area and paint it, instead this guy is struggling to hang out his window, stear the truck and paint at the same time and at some points opening the door halfway to even still try and paint through the window.:rofl: The seatbelt is stopping any forward progress so he backs up and trys again, I mean really!! This was so comical to sit and watch this moron try and accomplish this.:rofl: You have to be pretty damn lazy to do this, in which he probably exurted more energy stretching and reaching while trying to stear a car. He would have been done twice as fast with out the truck. So I waited until he and left and i walked down there to take a look at what he had done and not much to my surprise paint was everywhere. I don't want to be the one who has to read that map.

Well there you have it stupid human tricks. I wish I had got it on video.


maybe he was paralyzed from the waist down. if so, what an incredible feat! steering, painting, AND operating the brake and gas with only 2 hands and no feet! Incredible!


You shoulda got some video and turned his ass in. They will know who he was, just give them the location and time.


Well-Known Member
You should have grabbed the camcorder, walked down there and filmed him right in front of him. When he asked what your doing, tell him its for the 5 o'clock news that they asked for video footage to go with the story you reported to them, lol. Or tell him you "got that $10,000.00 in the bag with this video...!!"
Why don't you go get some matching paint and finish the job for him? Make it a big smiley face or something...