How Much??$$$$$$$$$


Formerly Beardy McGee
i am wondering how much all of you guys (and gals) are into your rigs......

the cost to buy it(if any), and how much you think, or know you've put into it.

...i didn't have to buy my zuk, a teacher gave it to me. i am in it around 3K with my rebuilt motor, clutch, lift, tires&wheels, and t-case, plus other smaller dumb things.......

...where you at?


Registered User
Kansas City, MO
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if I have 8-9K into my Toyota. BUT I have also parted out a few rigs over the last couple years and used most of that money for tools (welder) and parts. Not to mention all the trades I have made as well.

Paid $800 for it in 99
$800 to rebuild engine
after that is a all a guess :D


Formerly Beardy McGee
9K isn't too pricy, is it?

just count everything you have ever spent on it....i don't care how...humor me.


Formerly limegrnxj
I was bored one day so i added up all my receipts that i have, and it was about 7 grand.

that was with the purchase price added in, and major repair's like the transfer case and my dana 44:D
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Well, including pruchase price I was into my YJ about 14K, after every little thing was added up.

Into the Rover 5,275 and some change

Into Shaggy (the waggy) about 2000

And the biggy, my dads Rubi, almost 33K!!:eek: :eek:


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
East Stabbington
Including purchase price, tires, axles, suspension, blah blah. Around 7k--not including the trailer.

I bet I could sell it for about 25 bucks.



Suddenly Enthusiastic
Wow, I'm quite surprised how low these numbers are... Hell, I've got something like 1200 bucks in tires (two sets), 2 grand in t-case, and prolly 1500 in front axle (including detroit and gears) alone.

So, almost five grand in t-case, tires, and one axle... That still leaves:
Purchase price
transmission, shifter, cooler, hose
drive shafts
rear axle, gears, and locker, 35 spl shafts...
wheels (beadlocks)
steering stuff, links, ram, hoses
miles of tube, and plate steel, and expanded steel, and plastic sheet, etc...
miles of welding wire
winch, and rope

I wouldn't know where to begin adding stuff up, but it appears by the previous responses that I am near the high end of the scale.



Suddenly Enthusiastic
I guess you're right... It's just funny cuz I always considered my Jeep a real budget rig. Maybe it's cuz I really only spent money that I made from selling parts, prize money, and sponsorship money. I have spent very little of my regular income on the Jeep.


They want me to do what!?
west valley
I drove mine to work and school every day until about a year ago. That is how I justified a reliable NV4500 ($2500) new axles $2500 Fuel Injection $1100. I paid 6200 in 1995 for it (rust free California CJ-7) I have spent another $$$$$ this year alone. I bet I am at 20K


Well-Known Member
Heber City
A little over 4g's. This includes rigs I have purchased and parted out and things that are not even on the sami yet.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
i am into my jeep 5k for initial purchase... about 1k in repairs in the first year... and about 6k into it now (i am in debt the 6k)

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! it almost done though and it will be worth it i hope.

my brother is into the sami about 2k... 1k for purchase (with lift and tires) and about 1k for the bodywork and paint we did plus the calmini 4.16 t-case gears we put in.
good, solid, fun rig...very worth the money
