
Well-Known Member
Sandy, UT
Pollen count right now for grass is "Very High" and it's killin me. :mad2:

Anyone have recommendations for allergy meds?

Symptoms include:

-Runny nose I have to blow every few minutes

- Watery eyes

- Uncontrollable sneezing fits where I sneeze 4-6 times in a row and it freaking hurts after awhile because I'm sneezing so hard.

Call me a wimp if you must but I'm dying with these allergies. I never had anything like this is Vegas or San Jose and come to think of it not even up in Idaho but something here in Utah is hitting me with a vengeance. :D


Well-Known Member
I have similar symptoms, but not quite as much sneezing as you. I take the claritin 24 hour tabs that dissolve in your mouth. My eyes still itch like crazy, but it's a lot better than when i don't take meds.


Well-Known Member
Sandy, UT
Go get tested and then get the series of allergy shots. Best thing I ever did. Spring comes and goes without any issues now.

I've never heard of this before. Do you need to get the shots annually or are they good for an extended period of time like a vaccine?


somewhat damaged
Find a local honey source and add it to your daily diet. It will desensitize your allergies and make life better.

Daily exposure to a small amount of an allergen can desensitize the body, allowing you to better resist it, explains Evan Fleischmann, N.D., board member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. In this case, that allergen culprit is pollen -- the very same ingredient bees use to make their honey.

Same theory as taking shots but it's cheaper and hurts less.


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
Find a local honey source and add it to your daily diet. It will desensitize your allergies and make life better.

Same theory as taking shots but it's cheaper and hurts less.

Never knew this. I will have my son try it because he hates needles.

An Ear Nose and Throat Doc can do the testing. When I did it it was in the early 70's and I got two shots a week for several months and then one shot a week for a few months and then I was nearly allergy free.


Well-Known Member
Find a local honey source and add it to your daily diet. It will desensitize your allergies and make life better.

x2, I forgot about local honey.

Weird sidenote. I'm now allergic to uncooked fruit because my body thinks I'm eating pollen for some reason. :rofl:


Active Member
I have similar symptoms, but not quite as much sneezing as you. I take the claritin 24 hour tabs that dissolve in your mouth. My eyes still itch like crazy, but it's a lot better than when i don't take meds.

I do the same. Claritin works good for me, but only if I take it before the symptoms get bad. As soon as I "smell" the offending pollens, I take one because if I wait too long, it doesn't work for me, at which point I have to take Benadryl to stop the sniffles, and that just makes me tired and grumpy.


Orem, Utah
I never ever had allergies until my mission. I went to Portugal. I only lasted 3 months there until the church sent me home. I'm guessing that's due to me visiting 3 allergy specialists, taking 3 allergy tests, having 11 shots, and trying 31 different allergy medications. All the tests said I was allergic to nothing. Symptoms were swollen shut eyes everyday until around noon, hives, migraines, itching, sneezing, rashes, sore throat, and a lot more. They then sent me home to a stateside allergist and same thing, the test came up negative. I finished up my mission in St. Louis but now I am allergic to everything in the book. Well, except for raw fruit like Steve...:eek:. I still haven't found anything that will work for me and I try it over and over every year. I'm not as bad as my mission but it still sucks. I think I need to look in to getting the shots.


I got my Shot about three days ago. I am just about cleared up! The shot lasts for about three months. I was a total mess before getting it.


saratoga springs
I have been dying lately, all from hay being cut across the street from my work in Riverton. I work outside 50% at the least every day, last 2 weeks have been rough benadril, claratin like steve but I have Taken so much of it that my body is used to it and it has no effect on me. I am gonna try the honey deal( highly dislike needles) and try some zyrtec and see how well that works


Formerly Maldito X
So what's this honey deal about? Go have a teaspoon of local brewed honey? Or go get stung by a bee? (honey source) lol...I'm not sure on this lol....

My allergies just started last year, and so far they've been kicking my ass. I wish I would've known you could get them, I would've appreciated my time allergy free so much more. I always was glad i didnt have any, and suddenly bam! Here I am suffering from a runny nose, sneezing fits, and red eyes.....blahhh!


somewhat damaged
So what's this honey deal about? Go have a teaspoon of local brewed honey? Or go get stung by a bee? (honey source) lol...I'm not sure on this lol....

My allergies just started last year, and so far they've been kicking my ass. I wish I would've known you could get them, I would've appreciated my time allergy free so much more. I always was glad i didnt have any, and suddenly bam! Here I am suffering from a runny nose, sneezing fits, and red eyes.....blahhh!

It's pretty simple. Find a local honey source (many stores sell honey from local bee farms or whatever you call it) and eat it. Make a pb & honey sandwich a couple times a week or take a spoon-full once a day. It's made of pollen which is what's kicking on your allergies. The point is to desensitize yourself to the pollen.

Back when I was younger I did the weekly shots routine which they basically just shot me up with the type of thing I was allergic to in order to desensitize my body to it. Same theory. Seems to work for a lot of people.

Rusted - I know your family does the honey bee thing. Have you heard about this?


Sandy, Ut
I've heard the honey from Tricky Dicky the bee keeper, we'll known sales tactic that seems to have some legit outcomes. I scored some from a roadside seller in Highland that I've enjoyed. I can't say my allergies are better yet but it tastes good.