I hate BYU


Just doing my thing.
I don't like BYU. In fact, I hate them. I hate everything about them. I hate their program, I hate their fans, I hate everything.

I think the whole university, their fans, and their organization is classless.


That is all

Bear T

Tacoma free since '93
Boulder, mt
Thanks Max. I'm so sick of hearing about this all week. I listen to a lot of sports radio during the day, and this is seriously the only thing they have talked about all freakin week.

By the way, I'm a cougar fan!!! Beck to Harlene, Collie's still open, Give it to George!!!


Fight Till You Die
I don't like the U. In fact, I hate them. I hate everything about them. I hate their program, I hate their fans, I hate everything.

I think the whole university, their fans, and their organization is classless.


That is all

Fixed it for you,I know this is what you really ment.


Just doing my thing.
I was aware of how it originally went. ;)

I am surprised that it is now Thursday and it's still going though. I posted it here because I think it's funny how much hypocrisy and rationalization has been happening surrounding the statement.

Many Cougar fans don't even see any problem with it at all.

Higher standards......double standards.... whatever.



Giver of bad advice
I don't like BYU, U of U. In fact, I hate them. I hate everything about them. I hate their programs, I hate their fans, I hate everything.

I think both the universities, their fans, and their organizations are classless.

One would think the world revolves around this annual contest...

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
I was aware of how it originally went. ;)

I am surprised that it is now Thursday and it's still going though. I posted it here because I think it's funny how much hypocrisy and rationalization has been happening surrounding the statement.

Many Cougar fans don't even see any problem with it at all.

Higher standards......double standards.... whatever.


So, if I drink beer I can't root for BYU? :-\


Just doing my thing.
So, if I drink beer I can't root for BYU? :-\

You can do whatever you want.

Did you want me to explain why the picture is funny to some people?

It's cause most LDS people don't drink beer and might think that carrying beer through a stadium in a BYU T-shirt is not an appropriate thing to do.

Honestly, I don't even really hate BYU. I only root against them once a year. I do think Max Hall is a self centered crybaby douche bag though. Of course that is just my opinion and I don't speak for anybody else...... :D
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Active Member
Ogden, UT
I hate the fact that driving in provo with a buddy the BYU fans can be out in the intersection rooting and celebrating, barely letting cars through... Where were the police? Not even to hand out tickets but to regulate traffic atleast. Oh yeah.. mormons don't do anything wrong. I forgot.


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
Strange. I'm not a sports fan in the least but, in my experience this behavior is pretty common at most university games with big rivalries. They're lucky there are not any brawls like the Longhorns games back in Texas. Maybe not, as a good fight might do them well.

I attended a BYU game when I first moved here, and couldn't get over how clean the facilities were and how well everyone behaved. I can only attribute this to the lack of caffeinated products sold at concession stands or possibly the increasingly high consumption of anti depressants in happy valley:rofl:

My only experience with the U is being able to hear the game announcements from my yard.
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Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Easy there guys... I'm fine with the sports rivalry and getting all worked up over the game, but the religious crap needs to end. Nobody on here needs to feel like they are being made fun of for their beliefs, no matter what they are. This goes for anyone's beliefs, not just the LDS folk.