Invite: hiking blue john and horseshoe canyons this weekend, April 17-20


Well-Known Member
Thursday, April 17th
Arrive at camp in Robber's Roost at 10 PM (or earlier if you want)

Friday, April 18th
Hike Blue John Canyon. no rappelling required, but good scrambling/rock climbing skills are a must. This is a tougher route than Spooky Gulch. It will require stemming and downclimbs, but is not very exposed. We'll do most of the Ralston route except for the big rap at the end.

Saturday, April 19th
Hike horseshoe canyon, possibly backpacking overnight past the NP boundaries toward the bottom of Blue John

Sunday, April 20th
Happy easter. Hike back out horseshoe canyon to the cars.


Well-Known Member
So true. There's no sense eating up vacation days from work just to spend it driving, I can do that at work. :)

But if anyone wants to set up camp earlier, they're more than welcome to. I just know I won't be rolling in 'till 10 PM.

In my opinion, Blue John is 50x cooler than horseshoe canyon. Definitely my favorite hike I've done in Utah. Imagine peekaboo and spooky gulch hikes lasting 8-10 miles, only more technical. I can't wait.

Here's a preview from when we did it last time:

